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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Prometheus Denied


4: The Home of His Warm Embrace 



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L. Greetings to everyone. We have already introduced several important
issues. But, may I offer reminder of the larger context in view – we
are discussing the purpose of a tour of duty on the Earth as a mortal;
specifically, how such a mission might affect Twin souls.

K. Madam Grand Regent…

L. Dear Kairissi, may I interrupt you? – please, I am Lateece. I want you
to feel free to address any of us by our first names. We are all sisters and
brothers in the service of Mother-Father God. I have no authority other
than the truth which I strive to share.

K. (sighing)

L. One more thing, a small gift to you all: Senbar has suggested that we
might spend this day on deck of his ocean-going yacht. Any objections
from anyone? I thought not. Therefore, let us concentrate our minds
upon this transference, and we shall be there!

(a moment later, on deck, the expansive blue-jeweled ocean stretching
endlessly in every direction)

S. Please, everyone, take a comfortable chair and enjoy the view. And
help yourself to the refreshments.

K. I don’t know what to say, it’s so wonderful here! (softly laughing) And
you expect to convince us to go the Earth after experiencing this?

A. (smiling) Our job description does not include “convincing.” (softly
laughing) You will need to pay extra for that.

K. Ok, but, Lateece, I must ask you a question – and of you all: Does each of you live with a Twin soul?

L. Do you think that we could advise you two as Twins if we had not gone
through the process before you?

K. Actually, I was unsure, because, I thought, maybe you were promoted
to this job simply because of excellent character.

A. (smiling) Well, you should know by now that, at least for myself,
such evaluation would be unwarranted; but, yes, each of us lives with a
romantic Twin; moreover, each of us has completed a tour of duty as a
mortal on the Earth, or similar unevolved planet.

S. You used the word “promoted” which could suggest elevation by an
outside authority to a position for which, theoretically, one might not
be entirely qualified. This is not the way things are done in the Astral
Realms; at least, not on the higher levels. No external-other can or
will ever promote you. There is no rivalry, no competition for status or

E. Ok, but, how do people advance then, into this or that particular job?

L. Each maturing soul knows within him or herself what needs to be done
and where he or she needs to be. No one lords it over another and gives
orders. True, there are group projects and each of these might have a
kind of coordinating leader, but this latter rises to the fore in a natural
way, in that, everyone acknowledges him or her as most qualified and
best able to serve in that particular capacity.

K. But, what if two people want the same job?

L. Advanced souls do not concern themselves with jockeying for position.
They do not covet particular jobs, as such, but only to serve as their
individual talents might beckon. And they will intuitively perceive if
another is more fitted for a certain task, and, if so, readily defer to that
more qualified one.

K. (softly) How noble it all is!

L. I am reminded just now of our sister and my good friend, Elizabeth Fry,
who so ably expressed this sentiment: “Here, no one glories in being a
leader … the first thing a person must learn, if they are to progress, is to
lose this idea of self-importance.”

K. That is so beautiful, Lateece! How wonderful to work alongside loving
spirits who think this way!

L. It is one of the blessings of life here in the Astral Realms.

E. Lateece, you spoke of realization within oneself – it sounds like, to be
a mature and advanced soul, one must come to a heightened sense of

L. Just so, my son. Ours is the world where the ancient dictum “Know
Thyself” comes to full flower.

E. How wonderfully interesting.

L. All of this touches upon what may be the most important reason
to enter any future “classroom” – greater consciousness, greater self-knowledge.

K. I always thought that the purpose of going to the Earth was to grow
in love.

A. It’s an indirect purpose. Primarily, however, going to the Earth helps
the “baby sparks” to wake up, to grow in consciousness. Once eyes have
opened, we find that the love was always there within the divine soul.

K. Please say more, Master Arcnam.

A. Do you recall Brother Joshua’s analogy of the artesian spring? He
was speaking to the Samaritan woman oppressed by the hard work of
carrying water, drawing it up from the village well. The Beloved Teacher
said that he would show her an artesian spring that would naturally,
effortlessly, provide water bubbling-up from the depths. He was referring
to the latent wonder of the true self, the inexhaustible refreshment deep
within, which is connected to the Source of Being, to God.

K. So, the small ego is sort of like the woman working hard to draw
water, when, all the while, refreshment is effortlessly available from deep

S. The ego believes that there’s never enough, that one’s own person is
not enough. But as we grow in consciousness we learn that the authentic
self is linked to that “artesian spring” within which offers a never-failing
sense of wholeness and completeness.

K. I must ask a question: Is it possible to acquire this heightened
awareness in “classrooms” other than the Earth or similar difficult

L. There are degrees. Your question is problematic. There is a theoretical
answer and a practical answer. The theoretical answer is, yes, greater
consciousness is possible without the sufferings attendant to Earth;
however, exceedingly few are able to negotiate this process; therefore,
the practical answer is that greater awareness will require a terra-mission.

K. Would I be considered a bad person if I refused to go to the Earth,
even though it might help me?

L. Kairissi, you must not burden yourself with notions of guilt and
judgment. Whatever your decision, no external-other will pass sentence.
The only question is, how will you evaluate yourself? Will you be pleased
with your own decision?

K. (sighing)

E. What does suffering have to do with gaining awareness?

S. Again, another difficult question with a multi-faceted answer. Suffering,
without more, will not effect enlightenment. Quite frankly, a trip to the
Earth is no panacea. There are risks, and some people, temporarily, are
worse for their time there. Suffering, if created by the small ego, can
produce a bitterness toward life and take one farther afield of enhanced
consciousness. If suffering, by itself, were salvation, then the whole world
would find the Light, because the whole world suffers; indeed, the wisest
would be the denizens of the Dark Realms, as they are most miserable.
Here is a key to understanding: Unless one’s spirit, while in the midst
of suffering, remains aware, teachable, and humble, one can easily fall

E. (sighing) Please explain what I need to become aware of; in other
words, what is enlightenment?

S. The immature soul believes that the small ego represents the true
self. This is error. The true self is like the glorious sun above the
clouds, ever shining; the ego, the false self, is like the clouds that hide
the sun. To perceive this distinction, to become aware of one’s true self,
is enlightenment.

E. Why can’t we understand this here in Summerland?

L. A measure of perception is possible. You yourself are not unspiritual,
not utterly led by the ego. Yet, I think you are beginning to agree, you
have not yet attained that critical level of awareness necessary for
mature-soul status. Remember your own words yesterday? You asked
why it’s important to become non-dependant spirits, why can’t we
simply live from the providence of God, have faith in that, and live a
happy life?

E. Yes, I remember… I feel the shallowness of my remarks now.

L. Do not think less of yourself, but simply witness your own growing
awareness. Nevertheless, yesterday’s question reveals a certain lack of
understanding. Living here in Summerland’s paradise, for inexperienced
ones, can produce a lethargy, a non-focused perspective. But suffering
concentrates the mind and, if we will allow it, leads one to become more
aware and, therefore, more fully sentient.

K. Alright, but what if we sought out some really good teachers here in
Summerland, and what if they taught us how to become enlightened,
right here, without going to the Earth? Could that work?

L. Theoretically, it could work, though the odds are against you. But let’s
grant that unlikely success for the moment. Even if you were able to do
that, there is still another important aspect of experiencing a mortal life
that you should consider.

A. May I interject? This may help. Brother Joshua, even though a most
advanced soul, decided to go to the Earth. We presume he was no
stranger to enlightenment before embarking upon his mission – so, why
did he go?

E. It probably wasn’t just for his own advancement.

A. I think you’re on to something. Today, he serves on a very high
level, overseeing the development of billions of souls. Could he have
fitted himself for such grand service, in terms of greater empathy and
compassion, without having lived in the mired trenches of the Earth?

K. I think I see what you’re saying – it’s not just about me.

A. How could it be otherwise? As we’ve established, we were made in
the divine image. And part of that image reflects a service-mindedness.
Remember those cypress-tree seeds? How can we become what we
were meant to be, how can we unfold the potential within, unless we
do so with a view toward charitable service? It’s what “our Family” does.

K. Yes, of course (spoken in a near-whisper).

L. Kairissi, dear sister, you are making great progress in your
understanding. And I know all this is disconcerting to you. I was once
where you are now. I understand your fears. I know what it’s like to
want to grow, to please God, but, at the same time, to labor under the
prospect of separation from a beloved mate. Just give yourself some
time to think upon these things. Yesterday you joked about remaining
a one-gallon bucket. There would be no condemnation if you decided
for this. The questions you must address with your mate are these: How
much of the Divine essence do you want to reflect in your life? How far
do you want to go in your soul-development? How many areas of service
will you fit yourself for? How enlightened, how clear-sighted, how wise,
do you want to become?

K. (sighing)

S. May I add that these issues are not just for young souls. I speak for
myself now, but I think my colleagues would concur – these questions
never leave one’s heart, no matter how long one has lived in the Astral
Realms. We will always be hoping for more growth and development.
This yearning for soul-expansion, for greater wisdom, is also part of our
divine heritage. Look now at that sparkling ocean stretching out in all
directions, for so many tens of miles. This vast expanse could be likened
to the great uncharted powers that lie dormant within each child of God.
No, I must change my analogy – it would be better if I used the entire
sprawling cosmos as a symbol of our untapped potential. We shall always
yearn to become more, to unpack more of the riches within, even if
we’ve labored for millions of years to increase our abilities.

L. Thank you, Senbar, for adding that. Shall we break for some
refreshments and maybe a walk on the deck and meet back here in half
an hour?

(walking together)

K. Well, soldier-boy, what are you thinking?

E. I don’t know, Kriss… remember when I said we’ve reversed roles? My
spirit is starting to feel very heavy as I contemplate the possibility of
being away from you for a long time…

K. (begins to very softly weep) Oh, Ellus, I can feel the walls closing in on
us. I know that military spirit of yours would not be happy as a one-gallon
bucket; and I suppose I wouldn’t be either. That question “How wise do
you want to become?” really discombobulates me! I mean, what can I
say to that? It’s like asking, “How sane do I want to be?”

(silence, as they walk)

E. I could almost agree to “plant the flag,” to just stay and be happy
here – if it were just about us – but we can see now that it’s not just
about us. If we were to choose not to develop ourselves in a significant
way, I have this vision of untold future millions who would be deprived of
our mature and loving service. Is that what we want our union of love to
represent? Would we be proud of ourselves in a self-imposed diminished
role? Would we be offering our best to the Divine Parent(s) by living solely
unto ourselves? How could we maintain our self-respect if we’re not
doing all we can to dispel the Darkness and to help the less-developed?

K. (deeply sighing) Yes, I know, Ellus. I didn’t want to make the decision.
I was hoping there might be another way, but I think we would not be
happy without doing what we must do.

E. Yes… there is no other way, while retaining our sense of
honor. Look, if we’re going to do this, let’s be as proactive as we
can. Let’s be involved in the planning so that we can craft this in a way
that suits us but still accomplishes our goals.

K. Oh, Ellus!! – this is my first glimmer of hope in days! Yes, let’s get good advice and maybe we can arrange things so that it won’t be as bad as it could be!

(standing at the rail, peering out over the ocean)

K. Oh, Sweetheart, I am so afraid, but… I have to admit… I am
also very excited to envision all that we might become! And I’m so very
glad that you are my Darling Companion to do all this with me! My mind
tilts at the thought of all the adventures we’ll have together, for all time!
How very exciting, My Love!

(back in session)

K. Hello, everyone! We have a little announcement to make… we’ve
decided to explore the details of a trip to the Earth!

L. I know that was a difficult decision for both of you. It takes great
courage to do what you are about to do. There are some timid souls who
refuse such a mission.

E. Quite frankly, Lateece, I don’t feel that it’s courage so much – I just
feel numb, I can hardly feel at all. But I decided to do this because that
deeper true self you speak of will not let me rest. It insists that it must
have this opportunity for growth. I guess what I’m saying is, I don’t think
we would be honoring Mother-Father God to live for ourselves alone;
and I don’t think Kairissi and I could have a truly happy life without doing
what we need to do.

L. Well stated, my friend – and I do consider you a friend, as I share your
sentiments. I see in you, both of you, the seeds of greatness. Right now,
exalted position of service is not on your minds, but I know that you
and Kairissi will yet influence and lead into the Light a great number of
wayward souls.

K. Thank you, Lateece. And, you’re right, I don’t feel like a hero at
the moment. I’m apprehensive about it all. But, Elenchus and I were
wondering, could we be part of the discussions regarding our mission?

L. Of course. And so it shall be. Your guides, Day Star and Big Water, will
work with you on the details of this great undertaking. Our job on this
council is to offer philosophical basis for your plans.

K. Apparently, you’ve done your work in a persuasive manner.

L. I hope not. The responsibility of your life, and what you do, ever
remains with you.

K. (sighing) Yes, ok.

L. But here is something else to consider. Are you aware that many Twins
do not go to the Earth at the same time?

K. What??!!

L. I merely inform you of the norm.

K. But why?

L. Simply stated, it’s more difficult to do it that way.

K. But… it’s our decision to go together or not, isn’t it?

L. Yes, it is your decision. You will want to discuss the particulars of this
with your guides. But, Kairissi and Elenchus, I must be open and tell you
that your trip to the Earth is likely to be more difficult than the average.

E. Why is that?

L. Essentially, you see more, therefore, you might suffer more. Though
you are young souls, your current level of awareness is not at the lowest
level; and, since you possess this modicum of awareness, you have
already found each other as Twins. Most go the Earth and then spend
some considerable time here in Summerland before they are mature
enough to become aware of a Twin.

E. Well, I guess that’s some good news, but what’s the downside?

L. When Twins go to the Earth, the general rule is that it’s not a good idea
for them to be together very much, if at all – if you break this rule, you
run the risk of losing the efficacy of your trip. I don’t think you’d want
to go through all of the trouble associated with an Earth-mission just to
have the benefits marked down.

K. No, that would be terrible.

L. Here’s the problem: Twins, who are already somewhat enlightened,
traveling concurrently to the Earth, if they become aware of each other
as mortals, might suffer greatly in the pain of separation; but, even if
there is no Earth-meeting, since they’d loved each other in Summerland,
they will begin to miss each other even on a subliminal level.

K. It seems that we have choices to make, each of which will have its
own kind of suffering.

L. This is a hard road for you two, no matter which option you take.

K. (sighing) It appears that we’ll suffer no matter what we do, as we’re
already aware of our romantic bond, the interference with which will
not be pleasant.

L. Dear children, I feel you have made the right decision. The entire future
course of your eternal lives has now been magnified and expanded to
include greater opportunities for service, and even greater romantic love
for yourselves. Nevertheless, please understand that a trip to the Earth,
especially for Twins with some awareness, could be even more difficult.

K. I hesitate to ask what you mean, Lateece.

L. Here in Summerland, all is lovely: the weather, the birds, the trees, the
rivers – all of nature flows and interacts with perfect harmony. We have
no survival needs, and, especially for Twins, life seems altogether perfect
as you have each other. I said that, while on Earth, each Twin might
become aware, even on a subliminal level, of the missing mate. But this
statement belies what can become a searing torrent of hidden sorrow.
We spoke of the small ego. In our world, with conditions so ideal, the
ego’s powers are somewhat muted. But on the Earth, with its many social
problems, the ego has ample opportunity to rise up in self-protection to
express its self-centered ways, strengthened many times beyond what
it is here. What I’m saying is this: Even though you might become aware
of your Twin while on the Earth, you also will have temporarily lost your
memories of being together in Summerland, and the ego, fortified by
the negative energies of the Earth, unless you learn to become very
present to your true self, will precipitate a degree of suffering currently
unimagined by you. Worst case – you might be sufficiently taken over
by the small ego to become an enemy of the other! An Earth-mission
is difficult enough for anyone, but especially tortuous for Twins. Their
mutual bond, when denied, opens them to intense forms of misery, of
the kind unknown to others.

K. Oh, Lateece, that sounds so ominous! Is there any good news for us?

L. There is much good news, dear. Your stay on the Earth is temporary.
Even if you sustain psychological injuries, these, in time, will be healed
in your romantic reunion. Your guides will be with you every moment,
helping as they can. The good news is that intense suffering also
becomes opportunity for outsized gains in consciousness – your suffering
can be the old alchemists’ lead to be turned into the gold of enhanced
awareness. The good news is that someday, when it’s all over, you will
honor those times of pain as part of your enduring wisdom. Greatly
augmented will be your capacity to love – each other, God, and also the
sin-weary world. In the aftermath, your very countenances will shine
with soul-perfected glory, which will be your natural reward for all of
your labors toward godliness.

K. Lateece! I’m a young girl and all I wanted was just to live a
quiet and happy little life with the boy I love – and now I will be enduring
all this drama on a cosmic stage! And yet… I know that I must do this.

L. Dear child, despite my dire warnings, I absolutely guarantee that you
will survive. You will suffer for a while, and then you will come home to
the “real world.” And that attentive young man at your side will now
cherish you even more, his appreciation of you having been enhanced by
the blistering torment of living without you. You will not lose him, dear.
When all this is over, wherever you are in the universe, rest assured, he
will find you, and he will take you to himself, and forever you will live
in that true home of his warm embrace, the end of all your searchings
and travelings.

K. (smiling through tears) Well, dear sister, since you put it that way… I
guess I’m all in.

L. (smiling warmly)