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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Prometheus Denied


16: A Jaded Familiarity



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D. Kairissi, you appear more relaxed today than I’ve seen in you for some

K. My friend here has been making me smile.

D. (smiling) Should we enquire about the details?

K. (very softly laughing) It’s best that you don’t.

D. (smiling) Oh, I see. Well, maybe I should just read your thoughts then.

K. (softly laughing) Day Star, don’t you dare!

D. (softly laughing) Just kidding, dear heart! We don’t do that, unless
invited to, or in the course of professional obligation.

K. (softly laughing)

D. (trying to control her mirth) Now then, we have a different sort of
agenda today.

B. Last time we introduced the subject of the purpose of life. We said
that, in essence, it has to do with learning to enjoy one's own existence.

E. I was wondering about that. It seems too good to be true.

B. Yes, the Puritans and the Calvinists will have a little trouble with that

E. I’m sure they will. And what about sacrificial love? Some would say that’s the purpose of life.

B. It’s true, to a point. But there’s something missing in that.

K. Please excuse me for interrupting. It’s just that, several weeks ago,
before we attended our first MLP session, Elenchus and I had a discussion about charitable service. I wasn’t really able to verbalize my concern, but I told Elenchus that it seemed to me the subject of service was sometimes presented in an unbalanced way.

B. That is very perceptive of you, dear sister.

K. You mean, I finally said something right?

B. (very softly laughing) I would say so.

K. Of course, we’ve already touched on this subject, but I still find it
confusing. It’s so counter-intuitive.

B. This whole issue has been distorted, so let’s say a bit more. Charitable
service, of course, is what the Family of God does. Joshua set the
archetypal example.

D. And since Joshua’s work was so noble, so selfless, some who lack a
deeper understanding teach that altruism, of and by itself, is the purpose
of life. But, as restatement, true spirituality does not begin with good
works. There are many egos, as Joshua pointed out, who love to trumpet
their good deeds in order to prove how wonderful they are. These “good
deeds” actually harm the doer.

K. Please say more.

D. No spiritually-minded person in the Family of God would deny that
all of us desire to serve the less developed; but, is this the focal point,
the purpose of life? How are we to think and act when there are no
disadvantaged around, no suffering ones?

E. What do you mean, Day Star?

D. Granted, the disadvantaged are in no short supply and will be with us
for a very long time – but that is beside the point. If the meaning of life
were to be centered in helping the needy, then, will we be required, at
some point in the future, to manufacture a dependent class in order to
feel good about ourselves, or to keep ourselves employed? – if you see
what I mean.

E. That’s a new idea.

B. It shouldn’t be, but the truth has been mishandled. Many people say,
“I feel good when I’m helping others!” And that’s fine. We should feel
good as we’re acting according to our altruistic natures. But there’s a
wrong way of doing this. If our old friend the small ego gets involved, we
might unconsciously try to keep people in a dependent state just so that
we can feed off their neediness and be a hero to them.

K. The small ego is very tricky isn’t it? – it so easily turns something good
into bad.

D. And there are multiple millions, on Earth and here in Summerland,
who do not understand what you just said.

K. What’s the answer to this?

D. Concerning the purpose of life – again, we all want to help where we
can, and it is part of our joy to do so. But this is not the main reason why
Mother-Father God created us.

B. After the charitable service is performed, we all have to go home
and live with ourselves, our own thoughts. We have to be a friend to
ourselves. And if our own existence, in its essence, were not one of
pleasure and joy, a happiness simply to be alive, we would not be able
to endure living forever. The ancient Greeks understood this principle and
knew that long life, even eternal life, of and by itself, could be a virtual
hell unless something more is added.

K. I feel what you say is true – it’s what I tried to express to Elenchus but
couldn’t put it into words.

B. Kairissi, let me explain it this way: You, yourself, are as deserving of a
good and happy life as anyone else in the universe; as such, to ever live
for others, to always “serve,” to such an extent as to forever deny oneself
basic pleasures, could become a form of self-loathing – and now we’re
back to the small ego again, and its distorted view of life.

K. Why do some teachers say that serving is the only way to advance

B. Those who preach this are well meaning and speak part of the truth;
but you must learn to evaluate everything that you hear.

K. No matter the source?

B. No matter the source.

B. Do not accept anything as “truth” unless it resonates as such within
your deepest person.

D. As for lingering questions, simply file them away in your mind, pending
further light. In time, you will grow into the answers that you need.

B. In a larger sense, there is no final truth. Well, there might be, but
we’ll likely never be able to fully apprehend it. There is too much, the
universe is too grand, and eternity is not long enough, to discover it all.

D. Those teachers who preach that altruism is the meaning of life simply
have not fully thought through what they’re saying. The meaning of life
relates more to what we are than what we do!

K. I really like that! – it’s “being” rather than “doing”!

D. Well stated.

K. So, I’m not to receive any teaching unless it resonates as truth within
my deepest self. But… I’m almost afraid to accept that fully, because…
who am I? I’m just a young girl living in Summerland. How am I supposed
to evaluate what the greatest teachers in the realm say?

B. You have exactly the same soul-essence, exactly the same inner soul-link to Mother-Father, as anyone else. Hear me again: exactly the same.

K. But... what is the difference then?

D. I think you know the answer by now. The difference is one of
awareness; the difference is that some “suns” have fewer “clouds”
blocking the light.

K. (sighing) Ok… but… presumably, the older souls will have been at
this longer than I and have fewer clouds – why shouldn’t I defer to that

B. There is a difference between servile deference and respectful attention. For example, I am older than you, have learned more, and you
respectfully listen to me. And that is good. But guard against a cultish
credulity. You must keep asking questions until what I say is internalized
for you – until it feels right, way down deep. Do not accept anything
until it does.

D. Stated another way, the lessons that Big Water and I have learned are
for us, alone. We cannot give them to you directly; we can only act as
sign-markers indicating the direction for you to receive your own
personalized perceptions of truth.

K. (sighing) And the whole key to this is elevated awareness – and that’s
why Elenchus and I will be taking a little trip.

D. That is correct, dear.

B. Those who engage in altruism can advance themselves and do
develop spiritually. But, as we’ve stated, it all goes wrong if approached
egocentrically. The truth is, spiritual advancement, fundamentally, is not
the result of any external activity, even charitable service. Spirituality is about consciousness. It begins with knowing oneself – that is, seeing clearly, identifying the ego, and tapping into what Brother Joshua called the “artesian spring” within – which is the true self.

D. I’d like to frame all this in terms of a borrowed precept from Kant:
“Spirituality arises from good works, but is not grounded in good works.”

B. (deadpan) I wrote that script for her.

D. Uh-huh.

E. (softly laughing)

K. How insightful, and felicitously spoken! – “not grounded in good

D. Kairissi, God made you primarily for yourself, and for your mate – not
for others. Let me say it one more time. Service is a good thing and it
will ever occupy much of our lives. But your first raison d’être is to “live
in the joy”! You were created to partake of the sheer pleasure of simply
being alive – which Mother-Father God experience all the time. This is
the essential “mind of God.”

B. Exploring “the joy” takes us very close to the true way of living. Each
person “made in the image” has such vast potential to be unlocked – it’s
virtually infinite.

D. Not only that, but each of us is a little different in our mix of natural
talents and abilities, likes and dislikes; all of which means that each soul
will define pleasure and happiness, and therefore the meaning of life,
in an individualized way. We won’t all want to do the same things, or to
the same degree.

K. That personalized aspect sounds very exciting.

B. Even more, Twins share the thrill of exploring life with a Darling

D. Big Water, would it be alright if we all enjoyed a half-hour break?
We have covered so much in a short period – I’m concerned about
information-overload for our friends.

(walking in the gardens)

K. Ellus, I’m feeling overwhelmed again, but this time in a very
positive way.

E. I know what you mean.

K. We have so much ahead of us! My head is spinning with all the
possibilities. And I can already feel myself being stretched into something

E. I’m realizing that it will always be this way. We’ll always
have some new creative project, some new goal to work toward. I’m
seeing that our Family is very progressive, learning and becoming more,
all the time.

K. My heart is still heavy about having to go, and to
lose you; yet, I so much want all this growth and discovery for us. And
I’m so glad that I can do it all with you. As you said, we have to reach for
the highest and best, we just wouldn’t be happy doing it any other way;
even so, My Love, you must help me! If I think about leaving soon, it all
begins to feel very hard.

E. (sighing)

K. Oh, Ellus, I’m so excited! Imagine exploring the universe
together! So many natural wonders, and even far-flung civilizations to

E. Well, all that is really great, and I want to do that with you; but,
when we’re out there, following our every whim of bliss, sometimes I
might pass on staring at one more quasar; because, what I really want,
what I’ve always wanted, and how I define happiness… will be right next
to me.

(session resumed)

K. When we were walking, Elenchus said something that started me
thinking. There will be pleasures in adventuring and exploring, as Big
Water pointed out; but, though searching out cosmic mysteries is
wonderful, that’s not really the heart of the matter is it? The purpose of
life is more than that, isn’t it?

D. You are doing well, sister, tell me more.

K. Well, it’s just that Elenchus made a little joke about when we explore
the universe, that, what he really wants is not so much looking at one
more quasar but just having me as his companion.

D. Well, what a coincidence! Maybe you two might be Twin Souls. (softly

K. Ok, I guess I fell into that one. It seems that I’ve stated the obvious. It
was only clear, though, after I’d said it.

D. (smiling) You must forgive me, dear. It was impolite of me to laugh.
But your growing understanding of the nature of life is marvelous to me.

K. I didn’t take offense. But, it’s true, isn’t it? The real pleasure of life,
and therefore, the primary purpose of existence, has to do with… with…

D. Love? (softly laughing) Sorry! I just find it delightful to witness your
personal discovery of truth.

K. (smiling)

D. And this love of which you speak – it’s not primarily charitable-works
love and serving the needs of others, is it?

K. No, that’s evident now.

D. (softly laughing) No charity – except in the sense that Elenchus needs
you so.

E. Ha! – very funny. I’ll have you know that a few years ago I
actually spent a whole day apart from Kairissi and did just fine.

D. (softly laughing) Notice he didn’t mention ever being away from her
for a whole night, though! (laughing)

K. (laughing)

E. Ooooooooooooooo! She really got me on that one!

B. (deadpan) See, Elenchus, you just hafta learn to be good around her,
like I’ve learned my lesson.

D. (smiling) Mark the chief’s paper, “needs improvement!”

(all laughing)

D. So, Kairissi, tell me more about love and the purpose of life.

K. It’s about… romantic love, for sure… true romantic love. Having that,
in its fullness, takes us very close to the purpose of life, doesn’t it?

D. Tell me why, I know you can.

K. It’s because… it offers the greatest pleasure – and finding our particular pleasure, which helps us to enjoy our own existence, is the purpose of life.

D. Very good – but now let’s take this a little deeper. We’ve established
that the happiness obtained from externals such as adventuring, traveling
to that quasar and the like, does not constitute primary pleasure. So,
what would you say is at the heart of this Twin-love pleasure?

K. I’m not sure. I’m thinking of Elenchus’s joke, and how having me
beside him was his greatest pleasure. If you think about it, that could
sound unlikely. I’m just standing next to him – nothing so special. I mean,
compared to the glory of the quasar, one of the brightest things in the

D. And yet, when you’re there with him, he’s not so impressed with the

K. So he says.

D. Maybe there’s more to the “standing next to him” than you realize.

K. mmm… You mean… my mere presence would still be something
external, wouldn’t it?

D. Quite so. Now tell me, what’s happening on the inside of you two at
the quasar? How does it feel?

K. It feels really good! Lateece asked me a similar question, but she
pointed out that my attraction to Elenchus was still largely based on
ordinary male-female chemistry.

D. Is it still that way?

K. Probably somewhat; however, these past weeks I feel the ground
shifting under my feet. It’s starting to be different.

D. Explain more.

K. It feels like… I’m not alone… like, I’ve come home… It feels like I’m
understood; no, it’s more than that; it feels like Elenchus is so much like
me… yes, that’s it, it feels like he is just like me… well, not just like me,
we’re different too; even so, on the deepest level, we almost seem to
be… one person.

D. Are you telling me that the purpose of life has something to do with
the joy of oneness?

K. (smiling) I think that’s what I’m saying! (softly laughing) Thank you for
telling me what I’m saying.

D. (softly laughing) And now that you’ve clarified the essence of this
pleasure, do you think it can compete with a quasar?

K. I wouldn’t trade those feelings of oneness with
Elenchus for all the quasars in the Milky Way!

D. I’ll think we’ll take that as a yes. Sounds like we’re
getting very close to the real pleasure in life, and the purpose of

B. Kairissi, I’d like to pose a question.

E. Don’t mind me, I just study quasars for a hobby.

K. (smiling) And other heavenly bodies, like me.

E. Hey, if you’re not nice to me, I’ll ask Day Star to read your mind.

D. (laughing) Notice he didn’t say read his mind, as it might be an
exceedingly short read!

E. (laughing) Oooooooooooooooo!!!

B. (laughing) See, Elenchus, ol’ buddy, how many times do I hafta tell
you – you just haven’t learned your lesson with her yet.

E. (laughing) Kairissi, are you gonna let her get away with that?

K. (laughing) Yes, Day Star, I must vigorously protest, that was most
impolite of you! – not because it isn’t true, but for revealing Elenchus’s

E. (laughing) Big Water, I need back-up, now! They’re ganging up on me!

B. (laughing) Sorry, brother, sometimes the cowboys lose to the Indians. "It is a good day to die."

(general laughing)

B. Ok, now, everyone, here’s the question: We’ve established that “living
in the joy” is our true purpose in life; and that romantic love is the prime
mover here. Now consider this: Some of our greatest teachers have said
that marriage is a kind of blending of souls; while a metaphor, as we ever
retain individuality, this precept offers something of great importance.
Can you explain it to me? – Elenchus?

E. Ok… I’ll start. Becoming One Person must have something to do with
our happiness.

B. Good guess, but that’s almost cheating, that was too easy. Tell me

E. I guess it has something to do with becoming like each other. Help me
with this, Krissi.

K. Right… What is the meaning of “blending”? On the surface, it sounds
almost threatening because, if I lost myself in the blending, who would
I be? So, it can’t be that.

B. Agreed.

K. I’ll be honest and say that in the past when I’ve heard teachers use
that phrase I was a little put off.

B. Why is that?

K. I’m sure I misunderstood, but I got the feeling that “blending” was
almost some sort of cosmic eugenics program.

B. To build a super-race, like certain despots on Earth have sought?

K. Well, I knew it wouldn’t be that, but the idea of “blending” could
sound like something cold and sterile.

B. So probably not that.

K. What are we missing? Is this “blending” something that you and Day
Star experience?

D. (softly laughing) He should be so lucky to be more like me!

B. (laughing) Elenchus, pal, I’m the one who needs back-up now.

K., E. (laughing)

D. Dear friends, I think the problem is this. We see “blending” as
threatening because we feel that we might lose something! The small
ego hates to suffer diminishment in any way!

K. My apprehensions must have something to do with losing a portion
of myself.

D. (smiling) Well, as you’re my precocious student, please explain this
to me.

K. Ok… let me think about this. “Blending” isn’t about taking away, so I’ll
venture it’s about adding. And since Twins help each other to experience
the great delight of simply being alive, “blending” must increase that joy.

D. mmm… You are getting so warm now.

K. So… what is added? The mystics seem to be saying that Elenchus will
add something to me, and I will add something to him.

D. What could that be?

K. Well… male and female can learn and change and benefit from each
other’s strengths.

D. True…

K. But, if it were just that, I don’t think that alone would produce their
“extreme delight.”

D. A little too pedantic and classroom-like?

K. A little. As much as I like learning and classrooms, I wouldn’t
necessarily define “extreme delight” in terms of books and lectures.

D. (smiling)

E. (smiling) You’d rather curl up with something other than a good book?

K. (smiling) Day Star, I think it would be quite unnecessary for you to
read his mind.

D. (smiling) The well-worn obvious plot?

E. (softly laughing)

K. My friend tends to distract me with his hardly-disguised agenda…
Now where was I?

D. You were about to tell us what “extreme delight” is made of.

K. Ok… I’m getting close, I know it. Extreme delight is part of the blending
of Twin souls. And in this process each adds something to the other.
What is that something? What would they want or need?

E. Krissi, I’m listening to you talk, but, even more, I’m looking at you,
and part of me is thinking, soon I will be losing what I want most in life.
And… maybe that’s it.

D. Elenchus, keep going with this.

E. The question is, what does one Twin add to the other in the
“blending”? If the final result is “extreme delight,” and if we each define
pleasure individually, then the addition would have to be… whatever he
or she really wants and has always dreamed of in a lover!

D. Very good, Elenchus.

E. Do I get a reward?

D. (very softly laughing) I think she’s sitting beside you.

E. (softly laughing) Did you have to encourage her? She already has too
much power over me.

K. (smiling) But, Dear, you know that’s not fair. Why, I often let you
believe that you’re in charge.

E. (softly laughing) Oooooooooo!

B. (deadpan) Now I know why these two girls are such good friends.

(all laughing)

D. Ok, then… A romantic Twin, each for the other, adds whatever the
deepest heart has always yearned for in a perfect mate. There are few
truths, in all of the Astral Realms, sweeter, more wonderful, than this.
Each, to the other, becomes an individualized, custom-crafted, made-to-order, wish come true.

K. Wowwwwww, Day Star! That is so overwhelmingly beautiful!

D. Big Water, how would you summarize this issue for our
friends? Allow that philosopher in you to come out and instruct us.

B. Thank you, Dear. I think it’s like this: The romantic union of Twins,
since ancient times, has been likened to that of becoming One Person.
Though a symbol of singularity, it is not a lonely oneness. Because,
in their coming together, their “blending,” they will find a perception
of mystical integration, a comingling sense of sweet wholeness and
completeness, a satisfaction and emotional rest, unavailable to them by
other means. But there’s much more. In their exquisite sacred Oneness,
Twins serve as tangible microcosm of Ultimate Reality, that male-female
element in the Divine essence, our own Mother-Father God. “Made in
the image” is no cold descriptor. Some of our best teachers, such as
Frederick Myers, explain that “male and female, made in the image” can
refer to nothing less than the wondrous joy that the Divine Archetypes
live in all the time. The One Person, which Twins become, is a Perfected
and Completed “Individual” of Ultra-Joy.

D. Nice choice of terms, Dear! – and the term “individual,” if I may
interject, denotes “undivided.”

B. A most relevant point. Their “blending” serves as alchemical union, a
romantic synthesis; this, according to very personal wishes, a transmuting
of the two halves, male and female, into a fulfillment of private dreams
of ecstasy. For each Twin, it’s just what, exactly what, he or she always
wanted in a loving mate. A tailor-made request for happiness come true,
to be received only from, to be offered only by, one particular woman
and one particular man – you can’t do this with just anyone, it takes
more than a random pretty face. Only for soul Twins, romantic union
manifests as permanent happiness; the fullness of extreme delight; the
realization of the meaning of life.

(hushed silence)

K. (sighing) I don’t know what to say – it’s all too beautiful!

B. As Twins do, each of you will consider the other as the ideal, the
perfect mate
; exactly what you, in your heart-of-hearts, always wanted
– a delicious perception that will continue to enlarge as the years go by.
The more you learn about her, the more you love her.

D. (softly laughing) I might have to re-grade the chief’s paper. He’s now
“playing well with others.”

B. (laughing)

K. (laughing)

E. Wow! I see! So, when I feel that Krissi is the most beautiful girl I’ve
ever known, this means that the “blending” process is in play.

B. Explain that a little more.

E. When I perceive her to be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, it
means that something is being added to me. I’m receiving, I’ve begun
to internalize, what my heart-of-hearts was made to want and receive.
It means that the blending, the process of becoming One Person, with
its resultant sense of wholeness and completeness, of having all of one’s
private dreams come true, is becoming reality.

B. Very nicely stated. Ok then, John and Mary, the average unconscious
couple, prompted by animal spirits and temporal domestic needs, have
no idea what the true marriage is really like. Can we now see why Twins,
joined in marriage directly by God, on the soul level, will never separate,
could never possibly divorce? How could you leave the one whom you’ve
always precisely wanted and were created to want?

E. Day Star and Big Water, could you offer a word more about how our
trip to the Earth will help us in this “blending” process?

B. As your level of consciousness rises, so will your capacity to better
understand yourselves and, therefore, what you really desire in a
mate. As the great psychologists assert, to perceive what we truly want
constitutes a rare and difficult psychological achievement.

D. Because Twins are two halves of a whole, they naturally and perfectly
answer each other’s dream-wishes. But here’s the catch: You have to be
wide awake in order to receive this made-to-measure gift from Mother-
Father God. As we’ve established, a trip to the Earth offers the possibility
of enhanced awareness and, therefore, to answer your question,
becomes aid to the “blending” process.

E. How will I find Krissi down there?

B. Many people ask, how can I find my Twin? But, in essence, it’s the
wrong question – the real action doesn’t occur there.

E. What do you mean, Big Water?

B. Think about this. Everybody has a Twin; everybody was created with
a “special other” who mirrors one’s essential soul-energies. And this
soul-linkage is an eternal force. It never sleeps, never abates, but always
pulsates and throbs with vitality. Because of this constant energy flow,
our best teachers have said that Twins are never separated.

E. Ok… so, I asked how can I find my Twin, and you’re saying I won’t have lost her.

B. On one level of reality, this is the case.

E. So, since Kairissi and I share an unbreakable bond, any perception of
losing her would be an illusion. Do I cause that?

B. Tell me why.

E. I know you’ll say it’s the small ego. But what does that really mean

B. Mother-Father God brings Twins together for their own enjoyment,
of course – but there’s another very big reason. Twins help each other
to wake up. There is nothing in the universe that more readily prompts
expansion of consciousness than true romantic love.

E. And what happens to the ego in this?

B. The ego will view any possibility of greater awareness as a threat to

E. This reminds me of Brother Joshua’s “house divided” statement.

B. The small ego – like scurrying rodents afraid of the light – begins to
retrench in a heart that is becoming more aware. And it will fight to stay
alive. Now what do you think might happen as the ego realizes that one’s
Twin is the ultimate source of enlightenment?

E. Sounds like trouble.

B. Unless one stays very present to the true self, the small ego will fight
for its survival and cast even a romantic Twin in the role of threat or
Once you see how the small ego works, it’s not so hard to understand
its game-plan.

E. Let me get this straight – if I have trouble finding my Twin, it’s because
the ego has too much control over my thinking.

B. That’s about the size of it. Think about this. She will be nearby as the
classic “girl next door.” But proximity is not the issue here. Any difficulty
in finding your Twin will not be related to distance.

E. Of course – and that is amazing. She’ll be right there, close by. But I
won’t recognize her.

B. You will find her, but only when you first find yourself.

K. Oh, Big Water, that’s so maddening. He will be near me for all those
years – but will not be able to sense my true identity.

B. Few situations are more ironical. Consider this: If spatial proximity
were the key factor in finding one’s cosmic lover, well then, you two
wouldn’t need to go to the Earth, would you.

K. Yes, of course, as Elenchus is already right here with me. But
it seems that I have not yet met him in all his glory. How deceptive is the
small ego! Will we ever be rid of it?

B. My dear, the answer, in substantial measure, is yes. Enlightened
suffering is the fire that burns the ego to ashes.

K. Enlightened suffering?

B. During your teen years, both of you will suffer, will pass each other by,
due to a jaded familiarity, a persistent egocentrism – which, for a time,
will lead you into greater blindness.

K. But later?

B. Later in life, as you begin to “come to yourself,” when you are faced
with the reality that you two were meant for each other, then, if you
stay present to the inner oracle, if you accept suffering as a consecrated
lesson for your lives, the ego will burn itself up in that sacred pain.

K. I never would have suspected that it could be so hard to
open one’s eyes.

D. The small ego has incentive enough to remain in darkness.

K. I guess this means that I haven’t known the power of evil within. Tell
me again that Elenchus and I need do this only once in our eternal lives.

D. Yes, my dear, only once. In this battle for awareness, any captured
territory is forever yours – in truth, there is no going back; even though
fear-based repression might temporarily cloak the gains.

B. The difficult Earth-mission will not be repeated for you two – and
that’s why it’s important that we help you get your money’s worth on
this trip.

K. Will we pay too much?

B. We will attempt to keep you from paying more than you can afford.

E. Will you help me to understand what it will be like to meet Krissi for
the first time?

D. Dear brother, when you meet Kairissi – I mean that first time with eyes
wide open – you will sense those moments to be the primary event and
memory to be retained of your entire time on Earth. I daresay, in that
awakening, you will love her even more than you do right now.
We cannot allow you to be with her very long, but… a moment, one moment of clarity for the soul, will seem as an eternity. That brief but explosive experience with her – a few minutes of extreme joy – will be cherished in your secret heart for the rest of your life.

E. (sighing)

D. As we’ve stated, during growing-up years, we will arrange a few “peak experiences” of great happiness; but despite this wonder, that young boy
will quickly repress the bedazzlement and retreat into his shell. You will
go your separate ways after high school, and, seemingly, be done with
each other. But later in life, in a manner that Big Water and I will arrange,
your paths will briefly intersect – long enough to release a torrent of
mystical revelation concerning who you are to each other.

B. And that’s the 30-second summary of your mortal life.

E. Though I live to be a hundred, it’s probably all that I’ll
remember of my time on planet Earth.

D. You will spend the rest of your life pondering what happened to you
in those moments of revelation. You will call it your second birthday,
the day consciousness was born. And you will know, and finally admit,
that you came face-to-face with your destined cosmic Love; that she
offered you the greatest gift, the greatest joy, in the universe. And when
this happens to you, dear brother, you will no longer need to ask the
question, how shall I recognize my Twin?

K. (sighing; very softly weeping)

D. Kairissi and Elenchus, please allow me to encourage you once more…
do not be afraid of this trip… you cannot lose each other.

E. I know, Day Star… it’s just that, I go a little crazy sometimes
thinking about Kairissi being touched by another.

D. Yes… of course… but let me tell you again why you cannot lose each
other. As Twins, you are not merely like each other, but you are virtual
forms of each other. You share the same soul essence, the same inner-person musical harmony. You are, so to speak, bone of each other’s bone, flesh of each other’s flesh. Each of you is the other, in another form.

K., E. (silence)

D. Don’t you see, dear friends? You might lose something that you have
– but you cannot lose something that you are.

K. (through tears) Maybe I will believe you now.

D. I will say it again – you cannot lose each other. You are not called the
romantic One Person just for sport. Your souls, in a sense, are halves of
one sacred individuality – which means, just as you cannot lose yourself,
you cannot lose your mate.

K. (silently weeping, covering her face with her hands)


B. Kairissi and Elenchus… how soon do you want to do this?

E. I’m sorry… I can hardly think at all… you mean, pick a departure date?

B. Yes.

E. Well… I suppose it should be somewhat soon. Frankly, I’d just like to
get this over with. What do you think, Krissi?

K. (softly) It’s probably best to do it soon.

B. MLP has informed me that, if you are willing, a departure-opening
suitable to your requirements will present itself in only a few weeks.

K. That is very soon.

B. If you are willing.

K. Rather, if I can control my unwillingness – but, it’s alright, I’m going to do this.

B. Day Star and I will be with you every day. You will not discern our
presence, until, maybe, near the very end. We cannot interfere with your
decisions as this is where the lessons are learned, but we can narrow and
direct some of the choices to ensure that no undue harm comes to you.
And let me say this, if either one of you, or both, gets into trouble – by
that I mean, if the ego rages and overwhelms – we will bring you home
and help you to regain sanity. And, when this is over, we will again meet
here, in this very place, and together we will rejoice in your newfound
riches of all that you have become.

D. Would we all like to meet here again in a week?