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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Prometheus Denied


1: Earth Angel



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Elenchus. (with mock solemnity) I never fell in love with you.

Kairissi. (blandly) Really.

E. Yeah.

K. So it’s true confessions time.

E. I guess so.

K. And how long have you known this?

E. Oh, from the start.

K. (playing along) Ok, then… I get the goldfish, you get the hamster.

E. (beginning to laugh) No, wait!

K. I get the coffee table, you get the Monet print.

E. (softly laughing) Kriss, listen to me!

K. And what could we possibly have to talk about?

E. I’m just trying to say that I’ve learned something new about what you
mean to me.

K. mmm… A likely story – but tell me.

E. When I say I never fell in love with you, I just mean that… it seems like
I’ve always known you and loved you.

K. (sighing) Some teachers say that Twins were created together; that
our sense of oneness was factory-installed.

E. I feel that to be true.

K. But, Ellus, we know there was a day when we woke up to each other.
I remember that moment.

E. So do I; it’s as if I remember little else – but, it’s strange, Dear. When
my eyes opened to you, I guess you could say that I fell in love with you
– but that really doesn’t explain it.

K. What do you remember of that moment?

E. Somehow… it seemed that we’d always been together, that I’d always
loved you – a perception of “no beginning and no end.”

K. That reminds me of a song-lyric – “I’ve loved you since
heaven knows when.”

E. I like that. And there’s another line from that song – “Forgive
me for wanting you so.”

K. You’re such a repeat-offender. But, that’s
an interesting point about “no beginning and no end.” It appears that if
a relationship is based on physical attraction alone, the couple will tend
to think of their lives in terms of “before or after” the first meeting; but
true love accesses an element of timelessness.

E. Kriss... on another subject... I was speaking with Big Water…

K. mmm…

E. … and he suggested that we review this year’s service-agenda.

K. (sighing) Ellus, sometimes I wonder about those things.

E. What do you mean, Kriss?

K. I don’t know, I guess I’m sensitive about the issue.

E. Do you disagree with the advice we’re getting?

K. No, not really… well, maybe I do, in a certain way. I’m not sure if I can
verbalize what I want to say. I mean, of course I know that charitable
service is important. Our whole society, from Brother Joshua down to
the rest of us, is built on helping those less-developed.

E. What are you seeing, Kriss?

K. I just feel that the way this subject is sometimes presented is

E. Do you think Big Water is wrong?

K. I’ve always had the highest regard for Big Water, and Day Star, too. It’s not what they’ve said, but certain things that others say.

E. Do you think we’re spending too much time working?

K. It’s not that, really; but, when I hear some of the teachers go on about
the importance of service, I just feel uneasy.

E. You know, some would dismiss that comment with, “She’s just an
immature Twin who wants to spend more time with her mate.”

K. Well, what’s wrong with that? But my feelings for you have nothing to
do with what I’m trying to say right now.

E. As you know, I will always support you in your quest for
the truth. Just give this some time. The whispering of your own deepest
self is the best teacher… as they say, let the answer come to you.

K. Yes, I know you’re right.

E. In the meantime, shall we talk about something else? Well, I guess it’s
not entirely something else as much of our life revolves about service.

K. What is it, Elenchus?

E. Big Water also mentioned – actually, I guess he was asking me – do we want to consider a tour of duty on the Earth as mortals?

K. Oh, Elenchus! – you know that subject is difficult for me! I have trouble
even thinking about it! You know that losing you, in any form, is my great

E. I know… and no less so for me.

K. Then, why do we have to even talk about this? You know they say
not everyone even goes to the Earth! Aren’t we already helping others
and doing a good job here? We’re happy right now! Why do we need to
change anything? Why don’t we just continue with the way things are
and enjoy life as it is?

E. (sighing) Can’t we at least discuss this a little? It would be
a temporary stay, with significant advantages for us, they say, when it’s

K. Those so-called advantages come at a high price. We’ll probably have
to be apart for a really long time! I don’t know if I can go through that!

E. But what if an Earth-mission helps us in a major way?

K. What major way!? And what good will that do me if I have to suffer
the loss of you for many decades? Ohhh, lover boy, you know what your
problem is? You’re too ambitious. You’re never happy with the yellow
ribbon and certificate-of-participation. It’s something I love about you,
but it may yet be my undoing.

E. C’mon, you know you’re as success-oriented as I am. Haven’t
you always been Little Miss Honor Society? Little Miss Over-Achiever?

K. Ok, but… that’s different. With you, beneath that affable exterior,
there’s a subtle undercurrent of military discipline.
I’m not saying you like
pain, but the threat of it doesn’t slow you down that much if you want something. It’s like this: If you were given two choices, of keeping
the happiness we have now, or increasing it by a small amount – let’s say,
10% – but at the cost of a certain amount of suffering, you would choose
the 10%, wouldn’t you?

E. Well, maybe I would. I’d want that extra pleasure with you. But, as
Twins we mirror each other’s essential energies, remember? I think you’d
choose the extra 10%, too.

K. Would I? I don’t know – maybe, eventually, after thinking twice or
three times about it. But you’d think about it only once. That’s how
we’re different.

E. Ok, Krissi, maybe you’re right. But maybe I’m built to think that way.
It’s my job, my joyous duty, to protect you, to love you, and to
seek for your highest and best in all things.

K. Yes, I know, it’s just that your sense of mission scares me
sometimes. I just wish we could live here in Summerland permanently
and be happy. There are people who’ve been here for many hundreds of
years or longer! Why can’t we do that? Do we have to be heroes? I don’t
really like the idea of living our lives as a kind of military family, always
under threat of being sent somewhere on some service-mission. Oh, Elenchus, how I wish we could just stay in one place and love each other.

E. Part of me wants that too. Look, I’m not saying I have all the answers.
And I don’t think we should do anything that our inner-persons protest

K. (sighing) Ok, thanks for saying that. This idea of going to the Earth
bothers me so. I get a little frightened. I’ve heard the stories of what it’s
like down there – the crime, the injustice, the poverty, the hatred! Yes,
it has its scenic beauty, but, in many places, it’s just as bad as the Dark
Realms! Do we really need to live in a poisonous world like that? Oh,
Ellus, can’t we just plant our flag here and be happy enough with the
way things are? Why do we need to trouble ourselves with a dangerous
mission? And, worst of all, I would lose you for a long time! Just the
thought of that makes my head go offline.

E. Let me put your mind at ease. I will insist on nothing, ok? I will make no demands. If you cannot go, then I will not go! Whatever we do in our eternal lives, we will do together. You are more important to me than anything else in the whole Universe; more important than any adventure, any project, or so-called advancement. Whatever service I might offer to Mother-Father God begins with my devotion to you. All this I pledge to you, now and forever… Does that help the terror in your heart?

K. (sighing deeply) Yes… a little.

E. Maybe there is a military spirit about me; but my sword, dear lady, is
loyal to you alone. And I accept your concerns as mitigation against my
tendencies to go too far.

K. (small smile) You do have a slight proclivity toward extremity. I would
not want to give that up, though, as I like being loved by you in an
“extreme” way.

E. (softly laughing) I need to get that last part on tape for future
negotiating purposes.

K. (small smile)

E. Look at it this way… if we go, you could be my Earth Angel.

K. (softly singing to him) “Earth Angel, Earth Angel, will you be mine?”

E. “My Darling Dear, love you all the time.”

K. (deeply sighing)

E. Dear Earth Angel, “the one I adore,” since you can now be assured that I will not unilaterally move against your intuitions, can we agree at least to seek for more information about a terra-mission?

K. Yes, alright (sighing)… I think “I’m just a fool in love with you,” but, if
you hold my hand, I think I can handle that much.

E. Big Water said that MLP advisors will soon be in town, offering
information to Twins about tours of Earth-duty.

K. Ok, Ellus… I guess I need to do this for you.

E. Krissi, let not our hearts be troubled. We are not obliged to do
anything. Let us simply be open and consider… Let’s allow the answer
to come to us.

K. (small smile) Are you sure I’ll be your “Earth Angel”? – or maybe more
like Bobby Vee’s “Devil or Angel”?

E. Well… the thought had crossed my mind, but I was way too polite to mention it.

K. Uh-huh.