Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Big Religion commands, "Don't rely on your
own judgment. Don't do your own thinking.
That's pride and vanity; that's how Satan gets
to you! Listen to God's representatives
instead." But the truth is just the opposite.
If we engage in forms of self-loathing,
self-disrespect, we will attract low-level,
mischievous and malicious spirits intent upon
influencing our thoughts to cause us harm.
return to the main-page article on "Satan"
Preview and Summary: One of the absolute worst things we can do to ourselves is to deny our own judgment, our own best thinking. Such self-abnegation and self-disrespect opens the door to all manner of negative and poisonous spirit-entity influence.
One of the prime tenets of cultism is to promote the denial of one's own thoughts.
"Don't rely on your own understanding! Don't do your own thinking! That's evil! That's pride and vanity! That's how Satan will get to you! Listen to us, God's true representatives, instead!"
the ultimate existential calamity
If they can convince you that your own sacred self is evil and something to be feared, even despised, then... they've really got you. This ultimate existential calamity is akin to Jesus' warning concerning the "unpardonable sin," which instructs: if we lose our capacity to engage in rationality, how does one recover from that?
all this is well bad enough, but now "insult will be added to injury"
Just when we thought there's nothing left to lose, we find that a host of troubled, venomous spirits stand at-the-ready, if given the chance, to augment one's suffering.
If we wallow in a sense of victimhood and succumb to the fear-and-guilt encouraged by despotic religious clergy; if we cast away personal responsibility to live our own lives and think our own thoughts, in favor of some guru; then, in this abject destitution of self-respect, we will attract to ourselves low-level, mischievous and malicious spirits who live only to cause trouble for others.
Why is this so?
From tens of thousands of afterlife reports we learn of the well-settled rule of natural law that everyone, from the most advanced to the lowest, is governed by the principle of "like attracts like."
When we transition, we will find ourselves living in "neighborhoods" of people very similar to ourselves; for better or worse, this will be true. And so it is, in principle, even in our world; already we begin to attract like-minded spirit-entities (along with the flesh-and-blood kind, too).
If we are leading a good life, attempting to serve others as we can, then we will have no problem - we will attract to ourselves like-minded, good spirit-entities who are interested in furthering the same charitable intent.
But if we fall prey to religious hucksters, the power-mad Dear Leaders, those seeking to merchandize us with inculcations of self-disrespect, we will draw to ourselves spirit-entities of similar attitude. And these invisible wretched ones, in their present state of depravity, will assiduously work on their victims to bring them to suffering and ruin.
everybody's looking for something, some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused...

Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This
everybody's looking for something
some of them want to use you
some of them want to get used by you
some of them want to abuse you
some of them want to be abused...