Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Human Potential
Many of the world’s religions have their reports of beings of light, “miracles,” healings, “secrets,” wisdom pronouncements, predictions, and other paranormal events. How do these sometimes-spectacular items relate to the afterlife evidence?
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Mark Macy has written of the many paranormals incidents reported by the world’s religions.
it's not just happening in your friendly local neighborhood crystal temple, but it's part of a more widespread effort
The concept of a Being Of Light dazzling the crowds is not confined to the temple in Father Benson’s neighborhood.
See Mark’s report here.
We in the West might not be familiar with stories of supernatural powers issuing from “holy ones” of the Hindus and Buddhists, but they have their own impressive lore and history of “miracles.”
More familiar to many of us might be the several purported visitations of Mother Mary to young shepherd girls in France, Portugal, and Spain during the period 1858 to 1961. Each of these appearances came with dire warnings about the godlessness of Western society with a punishing end-time approaching. See the details in Mark’s report.
But these warnings of “end time” and directive to right oneself are not limited to the religious context. During the 1990s Mark Macy was involved with a team of IT specialists who received electronic messages, from computer scientists in the next world, which also put forward their predictions of bad times coming.
What are we to make of all these 'beings of light' and their austere wisdom?
Mark had this to say as summary of the “Mary” sightings:
"And about those secrets that Mother Mary told the kids at Lourdes, Fatima and Garabandal? I suspect they’re all similar to the ones Lucia was forced to divulge to her bishop: Darkness is encroaching on humanity once again, so another apocalypse is coming. As our spirit friends told our INIT group through a computer in 1996:
'We have often given you the real purpose of ITC contacts: Mankind at the end time should be led back to the principle. Light and darkness shall unite and form a whole again. What people experience now is not the actual beginning of the apocalypse, but only the first symptoms of it.'
"Maybe Mary and her friends have to drop by every so often with these Catholic miracles simply because time is so illusory here on Earth, and it’s hard to make accurate predictions. They apparently know an apocalypse is happening, they’re just not sure when all the big excitement will begin—Earth shifting on its axis due to polar melt, perhaps, horrific fires and floods… or whatever else is in store.
"It’s impossible to determine exactly when (or even if) such an event will happen. Time is too nebulous, and too many variables are involved to pinpoint a date. If it doesn’t happen before Conchita and her Garabandal friends have all died, then Mother Mary will, presumably, choose the next generation of Catholic girls to entrust with the secrets."
Yes… Mother Mary might have to soon “drop by” again to impart "secrets" to a new generation of vulnerable and uneducated shepherd girls. All this, to gin up, once again, end-time fever, because it’s so hard to get the date exactly right.
We live in a quantum universe, built upon probabilities, and so we can’t set a specific date for an “end time,” but, given the rising totalitarianism in the world, linked to high tech surveillance and the like, many of us do not doubt that, in fact, some sort of an end of a cycle is drawing nigh.
But what does all this surfeit of dire pronouncement offered by ‘beings of light’ really mean in the context of the afterlife evidence?
As we’ve seen, the next worlds are chock-a-block with thousands of philosophical organizations, each jealous of its own power to craft reality in a manner that will serve its power-and-control purposes.
They've hijacked the real Mary's celebrity to serve untoward purposes. The real Mary would have nothing to do with any of this mind-control tactic and gamesmanship.
Generally speaking, in these cases of “appearances” and “warnings,” we’re looking at spirit-beings, representing certain power factions over there, attempting to shore up and solidify a power base.
Why do I think this is likely?
It’s very likely for all the same reasons offered on the “Emerson” page concerning the false teacher in the temple.
These power-groups can plainly see that things are headed south for Earth's civilization, and so they want to position themselves as "savior" to make hay of the impending calamity. As the anarchists say, "never let a crisis go to waste," such a good opportunity to influence the fearful masses who are so eager to trade freedom for security.
Look at what the purported “Mother Mary” required of her devotees: much bead-chanting, mantra dedication, and an allocation of scarce resources, concerning the poverty-stricken hapless, to build grand basilicas for more entrenched ritualism.
All of this leads to more mind-control, less cogency, more fear-based surrendering of critical-reasoning faculties, which is exactly what totalitarian overlords crave to put in place, to keep the troops in line.
We would have been more impressed if the so-called “Mother Mary” had denounced cultism, had advocated a setting free of the sacred human spirit - with Emerson’s directive, “man is his own star,” his own source of light and truth.
Editor's last word:
‘a spectacular mythological idolatry’
This phrase was used by a spirit-person from the afterlife, appearing though the direct-materialization mediumship of William Aber. See the enter quote on the “guide to WG” page.
It was a reference to our world’s religious traditions, seemingly, so enduring and solid, so impressive, but, in fact, "one solid falsehood". She said that these teachings led her to great suffering for a long time in the next world until she finally freed herself.
See historian Kenneth Clark’s report on how the “cult of the Virgin” began more than a thousand years after the time of Christ. It developed into a new political tool of power-and-control by Big Religion.
The early church, and for a thousand years, knew nothing of this pagan idea - mirroring the ancient mystery cults' ubiquitous Queen Of Heaven - and would have quickly disowned it.
no sign or hint of deified Mary in the next world
And, as one reads the thousands of reports from citizens of Summerland, there is not one word, not one atom, of any presence of a deified Mary over there. See the reports of dozens of disillusioned religious believers who found no Queen of Heaven waiting to greet them on the other side.
Mary’s rise in stature began in the twelfth century with the advent of the Troubadours.
