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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Some NDE experiencers speak of hellfire:
We will go to where we believe we deserve to go



return to the main-page article on "Hell" 


Editor's note: You may find it profitable to first review the NDE article on the Afterlife page. 


There are NDE reports of experiencing hellfire. Typically, these accounts derive from those heavily indoctrinated by the hellfire-propaganda of Big Religion.

You will find these personal testimonies on Kevin Williams' site.

The images of hellfire persist until one is rescued from these bad ideas; and when a clearer view comes into focus, the hellfire disappears.


we will go to where we believe we deserve to go

The principle "thoughts are things" has much merit, especially, in the coming world where the powers of the mind are increased exponentially.

If we cross over, fully believing that we will be consumed by hellfire, our own subconscious and the Small Ego - temporarily - just might create that flaming world for us.

Our best defense is simply to relax, and calm down, in the knowledge of what the afterlife is truly about.



Editor's last word: