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Augros & Stanciu's
The New Biology

George Stanciu, PhD, theoretical physics
Robert Augros, PhD, philosophy

Species In Stasis

the fossil record "unmistakably" indicates that species remain as they are, for millions of years, with little or no change



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Editor's note: The following is from Augros & Stanciu's The New Biology, chapter six, "Origins."


Robert M. Augros George N. Stanciu


Another unmistakable feature of the fossil record is the remarkable stability of new species once they become established. Stanley reports:

“Evolution is not quite what nearly all of us thought it to be a decade or two ago. This evidence comes largely from the record of fossils – a record that until recently was not well scaled against absolute time. The record now reveals that species typically survive for a hundred thousand generations, or even a million or more, without evolving very much… After their origins, most species undergo little evolution before becoming extinct.”

This stability is easily seen by comparing fossil species to their living counterparts…

Again, these … facts cannot be accounted for by Darwinian theory. Natural selection predicts just the opposite – all species are expected to undergo continual change



Editor's last word:

"stasis is data" 

In his work examining trilobites, paleontologist Niles Eldridge realized that these organisms exhibited little to no change over time that conventional Darwinism had taught him to expect.

He perceived that “absence of change itself” is significant information; or, as he would phrase it, “Stasis is data.” This insight would lead him to reject Darwinism’s gradualism.