Word Gems
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Darwinists speak only of gradual change.
But the fossil record indicates that
most of evolution works by
sudden jumps of creativity.
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Editor's note: The following quotations are from Dr. Goswami's book, "Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution Between Darwinism And Intelligent Design."
… according to Darwin’s theory, evolution is continuous and should produce a continuous fossil record of all evolution. Unfortunately, the fossil records show glaring gaps at many important junctures. In other words, evolution is not only continuous but discontinuous… Evolution has been compared to punctuated prose: The punctuation marks are discontinuities in otherwise continuous text. Darwinism cannot provide a fully credible explanation for such discontinuity…
… the creationists make [a] valid claim that [Darwinism] is falsified because of the fossil gaps. One of Darwin’s major theoretical predictions was that gaps would eventually fill up as we perfect our empirical investigations… Well, we have perfected the techniques and … one can say that the fossil gaps are mostly real. They’re here to stay…
That the fossil data have gaps clearly suggests to some biologists that there are two tempos of evolution, one slow and one fast… Darwinism is a theory of slow-tempo evolution…
Although Darwinism is satisfactory for explaining the slow epochs of evolution, the really interesting things happen during the fast epochs – the punctuation marks. That’s when creative leaps take place, sometimes gigantic movements in consciousness. And in these movements, the purposive evolution of consciousness through complexity, consciousness gains the ability to experience itself with ever-greater sophistication.
Editor’s note: How do Darwinists respond to the charge of the "gaps," the “missing links,” a missing chain, of intermediates? They say, “They’re out there somewhere, they ‘must be’ out there, we just haven’t found them yet.” But this is just more promissory-note thinking.
Editor's last word:
The "gradualism" tends to take place in "micro-evolution," with the "jumps" in "macro-evolution."