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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


 Dr. Fedrico Faggin, the inventor of the first microprocessor in 1971, and a leader today in the new science of consciousness, suggests that cosmic evolution is driven by Universal Consciousness seeking to know itself. 



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There is much to learn here. I must direct you to the “consciousness” page for articles on Dr. Faggin. And, of course, you’ll want to read his book for yourself, as well as survey his many interviews on youtube.

However, to very briefly summarize, Dr. Faggin’s research leads him to understand that all of cosmic evolution is driven by an underlying desire – an “absolute appetition” to use Leibnitz’s phrase – on the part of Universal Consciousness to know itself.

READ MORE on the “consciousness” and “quantum” pages featuring the work of Dr. Faggin.



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