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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Dr. Amit Goswami's
Creative Evolution

Materialists offer objection: How can a non-material Intelligent Designer interact with material biological form, with matter? How can two entirely different substances, with nothing in common, impose causation, one upon the other?



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Editor's note: The following is from Dr. Goswami's book, "Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution Between Darwinism And Intelligent Design."

"You will often hear mainstream scientists declare that … the validity of scientific materialism should be obvious and that it is 'absurd' to speak of nonmaterial organizing principles. That way lies dualism [they say], the idea that two separate and irreducible principles (in this case, material and nonmaterial reality) can coexist. Such scientists point to the perennial logical challenge to dualism: Two entirely different substances with nothing in common cannot interact, cannot impose causation upon one another.”

The purported contradiction is merely apparent, not real. The difficulty lies in the materialists’ unproven assumption that the foundation of reality is composed of material sub-atomic particles. This is the core error. Instead, Consciousness is the ground and substance of all being and reality.

This acknowledged, the problem of dualism evaporates. There is no “two entirely different substances” attempting to interact. What we call matter is but a “solidified” form of consciousness; therefore, dualism does not enter the question, rather, this is a case of consciousness interacting with consciousness.

Editor’s note: Materialists are very scrupulous when it comes to alleged inconsistencies of opponents, while they routinely swallow a whale-of-a-tale in their circular reasoning and promissory-note thinking. “Scrupulous” is an interesting word. It comes to us from the Latin, meaning, “a small sharp stone,” in the sense of a tiny pebble in one’s shoe. By extension, “scrupulous” suggests a sensitivity of conscience. Materialists make a big deal about the horrors of dualism regarding Intelligent Design interacting with a material world, while they live in an enchanted fairly-tale land where “pigs can fly,” in three fantastic forms: (1) the essence of life is material in nature; (2) embryos take on particular adult form due to genetic determinism; and (3) Darwinistic evolution is defined solely by gradualism, despite a fossil record reporting otherwise. N'ary a hint of scrupulosity, however, to be found regarding these.



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