Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
How Twins Affect Each Other From A Distance, Part II:
The power of authentic Twin love and marriage creates an advanced mode of communication. This allows them to "speak" to each other "non-locally," over vast distances, quite apart from the usual physical means of contact in the world.
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Kairissi. We’d like to discuss a topic very close to our hearts, something very real to us, and, potentially, hugely significant to every true-love couple – but what we’ve seen is very difficult to substantiate.
Elenchus. We’ll present what little tangible evidence does exist. And then make our case.
K. First, allow me to present the “lay of the land,” what we know, and what we think we know.
E. Yes, Kriss, give everyone an overview.
K. Where to begin? I could start by quoting Mary Lodge - Lady Lodge:
[Reported by Michael Tymn] On October 18, 1929, Sir Oliver Lodge, a distinguished British physicist and pioneering psychical researcher, delivered the first Frederic W.H. Myers Memorial Lecture to the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) in London. Myers, one of the founders of the SPR, had died in January 1901. He and Lodge had become good friends. The following is … from that talk, as set forth in the November 1929 issue of “Psychic Research,” published by The American Society for Psychical Research. Lodge’s wife, Mary, had communicated this from the other side:
“There is one thing I wanted to explain to you. When people belong to each other through long association through love, [or even] through freshly [or recent] relationship, there is no difficulty in contact between those people, either from one plane to the other, or between them when they have both reached the same plane. The links exist.”
E. Let’s note this. The key here is, when two “people belong to each other,” there is “no difficulty” for them to communicate, a “link exists” between them.
K. This is very important. And it doesn’t matter if they’ve been in long association, or if they’ve recently discovered their love.
E. Whether they’ve been conscious of their affinity or not, the link between them has always been there.
K. Though their radar might not have been “switched on” yet.
E. Mary emphasizes that their communication link is a hot-microphone no matter where they are in the universe. They may be on different planes of existence, one on the Earth, the other over there, but this is irrelevant detail – their “link exists.”
K. And let me explain what it means when two “belong to each other.” We covered this at length in the “waves” article. But, essentially, when two lovers share identical harmonic “waves of consciousness,” then, effectively – just as the poets have insisted for millennia -- these two, essentially, are one soul, one person, “two hearts that beat as one.”
E. All authentic true-love couples sense and know this. Skeptics will doubt, but this information is only for lovers, and the rest will have to wait.
K. Elenchus, allow me to offer a digression before we proceed with our logical sequence.
E. Please.

K. You know, there are so many love songs which speak to this communication link. Right now I’m thinking of Savage Garden’s “I knew I loved you.” The song is about “I know it might sound more than a little crazy but I believe, I knew I loved you before I met you, I think I dreamed you into life, I knew I loved you before I met you, I have been waiting all my life.”
E. The communication link exists before a true couple meets. At that early stage, the link may be at "low voltage", but even so it might issue as subliminal message, each to the other, "somewhere out there," that they are waiting for each other.
K. The usual way of communicating is over short distances. We talk to people close by, in our local vicinity. Electronic devices “make the world small” allowing us to talk to people across the globe. But what about when the other person is “non-local”, that is, far away, in fact, so far away that electronic devices can’t help?
E. Mary Lodge’s comments indicate that lovers’ communication link keeps them in contact in a “non-local” way, no matter how far apart they are.
K. The term “non-local” is from the vocabulary of physics. It usually refers to distances of such magnitude that even light can’t span it so easily.
E. In the “waves” article we discussed “non-locality” and also something that all physicists know about – “entangled particles.”
K. We will prefer to speak of “entangled lives.”
E. And this entanglement allows particles -- or, it would seem, “entangled romantics” -- to be in constant contact no matter where they are in the universe. The communication is so fast that it’s faster than the speed of light; in fact, it’s instantaneous. Einstein fought this idea to his old age, saying it was impossible. But he was proven wrong on this point, as it’s well established now in modern quantum physics.
K. The “entanglement” is caused by invisible energy waves, which might stretch across the universe. But see our discussion in the “waves” article.
E. Why don't we begin to offer our best evidence for lovers' communication link? Kriss, would you like to talk about the Rickenbackers?
K. The story of Eddie and Adela is #46 on the afterlife page, and readers will want to get the full report there, but – it’s very instructive concerning the invisible communication link.

K. Eddie Rickenbacker was a World War I ace fighter-pilot. He was a national sensation in his day, everybody’s hero. During World War II he worked for the military as some sort of advisor. With a group of others, he was on a plane that down in the Pacific. After many days, it was thought that he’d been lost at sea, but, in fact, he and associates were adrift on a life-raft.
E. And this is where the really phenomenal part starts.
K. While Eddie was marooned in the ocean, back in New York, girlfriend Adela received, via psychic-medium, a message. It was very detailed, even told a joke or two about their last encounter, and Adela immediately knew that Eddie was still alive. Well, all this was noteworthy enough, but when Eddie got back to New York and learned of the message, he professed to know nothing about it. He had not consciously sent any word to his love, Adela.
E. This is incredibly educational for us.
K. It seems that Eddie – call it the “higher self,” or the soul, or something else – had communicated with Adela, even without the knowledge of Eddie’s “surface personality"! Adela was a newspaper reporter, very literate, and wrote a book about the astonishing event. It’s all well documented.
E. In his Auschwitz concentration camp memoirs, “Man’s Search For Meaning,” psychiatrist Dr. Viktor Frankl recounts his intense longing for his wife’s companionship.
K. Dr. Frankl is one of our very favorite teachers, often referenced on the WG site. His wife may have aleady been killed when he experienced the following, but here are relevant statements for our discussion:
We stumbled on in the darkness, over big stones and through large puddles, along the one road running through the camp. The accompanying guards kept shouting at us and driving us with the butts of their rifles... But my mind clung to my wife's image, imagining it with an uncanny acuteness. I heard her answering me, saw her smile, her frank and encouraging look... for the first time in my life I saw the truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth - that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire. Then I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love and in love. I understood how a man who has nothing left in this world may still know bliss, be it only for a brief moment, in the contemplation of his beloved. In a position of utter desolation, when a man cannot express himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist in enduring his sufferings in the right way - an honorable way - in such a position man can, through loving contemplation of the image he carries of his beloved, achieve fulfillment... I resumed talk with my loved one: I asked her questions, and she answered; she questioned me in return, and I answered...
My mind still clung to the image of my wife. A thought crossed my mind: I didn’t even know if she was still alive. I knew only one thing, which I have learned well by now, love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It finds it deepest meaning in his spiritual being, his inner self. Whether or not [she] is actually present, whether or not [she] is alive at all, ceases, somehow, to be of importance. I did not know whether or not my wife was alive, and I had no means of finding out … but, at that moment, it ceased to matter. There was no need for me to know. Nothing could touch the strength of my love, my thoughts, and the image of my beloved. Had I known then that my wife was dead, I think that I would still have given myself, undisturbed by that knowledge, to the contemplation of her image, and that my mental conversation with her would have been just as vivid and just as satisfying. Set me like a seal upon thy heart. Love is as strong as death...
The guard passed by, insulting me, and once again I communed with my beloved. More and more I felt that she was present, that she was with me. I had the feeling that I was able to touch her, able to stretch out my hand and grasp hers. The feeling was very strong. She was there. Then, at that very moment, a bird flew down silently and perched just in front of me - on the heap of soil which I had dug up from the ditch - and looked steadily at me.
natural way
E. I recently saw some new things in Frankl’s testimony, and I’d like to discuss these within the context of our own experiences. In an earlier article, we talked about Aristotle and things “natural.”
K. Let’s direct our readers to that earlier writing as background to what we’d like to say here. I think we can now see that our understanding back then was more limited.
E. We used a phrase "natural way." It wasn't our phrase but was given to us by a psychic-medium, speaking for our Spirit Guides. We were told, many years ago now, that before we transitioned to the other side, we would enjoy opportunity to talk things over. The psychic said that this was "very important" to us and that we needed to do this before we left this world. She gave us a rough timetable, about 10 years in the future, for this frank discussion. Now, at the time, you and I had no way of talking, but all the psychic would say is that we would come to our discussion "in a natural way." This was clarified to mean "this is not something you two will arrange, it will just happen." She then doubled down on her prophecy, and said, "there's not a doubt in my mind that you two will talk frankly before you cross to the next world."
K. I didn't know about this "prophecy" until much later.
E. And so I spent the next years trying to figure out this puzzle: how could we meet, as we weren't even speaking at all to each other, with no hint of change of this news black-out on the horizon. What could talking together "in a natural way" possibly mean? If we can't arrange it, does this mean we'll somehow run into each other by accident? This seemed extremely unlikely as we lived a thousand miles apart. I was at a total loss.
K. I would also like to inject that, the fulfillment of this prophecy did, in fact, take place according to the timetable she gave.
E. Toward the end, I had my absolute severe doubts that there'd be any kind of meeting-of-the-minds. But - as it turned out, I couldn't have been more wrong. However, the open, frank, and heartfelt interaction between two long-lost romantic spirits took place in a manner that I never would have guessed. And yet, today, I see that it did occur "in a natural way."
K. Well, I suspect that we have the attention of most readers right now. What is the answer to this mystery? I think you Elenchus should speak to this, but, just to offer a clue, this meeting-of-the-minds took place in a manner well in line with the testimonies of Lodge, Rickenbacker, and Frankl.
E. I will explain what happened, and I don't want to keep you waiting, but I should also say that the psychic-medium struck me as exceptionally competent. She described Kairissi's outward form very accurately, even the tint of her hair color, and also her perky personality; moreover, the psychic knew that she had come to me very early on, but with disastrous results. It was stated that it wasn't yet our time to be together, and that if we'd tried to do so back then, we would have been unhappy. Keep in mind, too, that the psychic was just a channel for Spirit Guides who were the real purveyors of information. I could tell I was getting good data when the Guides, via the psychic, said to me, "We know that you would wait for her, no matter how long the wait; even if she's 90, an invalid in a nursing home, you would still want her." When I heard that, I knew I was getting good information, because I had said these very same words to myself! But then, the "natural way" prophecy - what could that mean? - especially since I couldn't even arrange it.
K. Elenchus, please help us understand how Lodge, Rickenbacker, and Frankl clarify what happened to us.
E. I would say that our story is somewhat a combination of these three; possibly, with leanings toward Frankl's testimony. I hadn't noticed this before from Frankl's account but consider his statement:
... love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It finds it deepest meaning in his spiritual being, his inner self. Whether or not [she] is actually present, whether or not [she] is alive at all, ceases, somehow, to be of importance... at that moment, it ceased to matter.
K. I’m suddenly feeling a little breathless. I’m seeing this with new eyes. But, continue, Elenchus, and I might add something later.
E. Frankl contrasts the “physical person” with the “spiritual … inner self.” For years I read over this as a common precept. Many have said “love is more than the attractive physical body and there needs to be a falling in love with the deeper person.” All this is true, but this is not Frankl’s primary message here. Notice how he says, “she’s not here, I don’t even know if she’s still alive in this world, but, right now, that doesn’t even matter.”
K. You haven’t yet gotten to the parallelism with our “natural way” but what I see is stunningly isomorphic to our situation!
E. In the many years that followed the “prophecy,” not only was Kairissi not with me, but I had no direct knowledge of her situation. For all I knew, she might not even have been alive, and I wouldn’t have known about it, possibly, for a long time.
K. But then there’s the phrase, “ceased to matter.”
E. Why did it cease to matter? In terms of the contact or communion, Frankl was mystically in touch with his wife, and he couldn’t have been closer even if she were standing before him.
K. He asked her questions; she responded. She asked him questions; he answered. This was an open, frank, and heartfelt interaction between two lost romantic spirits. The lack of bodily presence was not a detriment. Why was this? The “deepest meaning,” said Dr. Frankl, is to be obtained from the other’s “spiritual … inner self.”
E. At that point, they were not two bodies communicating but two spirits, two inner selves, in union.
K. Many will question what we say her. They will think all this to be unlikely. My response is, think of what most people talk about: the weather, the football game, which political candidate offers more promises, problems at home, finances, health issues. None of this rises to the level of “open and heartfelt meeting-of-the-minds.” Most people operate from the egoic “false self” and therefore lack the ability to think beyond personal problems. It is only the “true self,” the “spiritual … inner self,” which can authentically love and receive love. And this “spiritual … inner self” can do this without a physical body.
E. This is what I didn’t understand when I was given the “natural way” prophecy. I was sure that nothing could be discussed unless two physical bodies were involved.
K. But as we learned from the Rickenbacker case, his physical body was totally out of the loop. His higher self, that “spiritual … inner self,” sent the memo to Adela, and didn’t need a bit of help from the mortal frame.
E. He, the physical body, the brain, didn’t even know that a message had been sent! And I might add, that "higher self" told a joke or two in the message. And now some will ask, does a higher self have sense of humor? But I think this is the wrong question - better to ask, does the "false self," the materialist attitude, have a sense of humor? The fact is, no one would know anything about something called humor unless it weren't part of our better natures, and it's just a prejudice to think otherwise.
K. And, from the afterlife, Mary Lodge, too, insisted that lovers have “no difficulty” communicating – no difficulty! -- no matter where they are in the universe!
E. And now comes the doubtful chorus, “what do you mean ‘no difficulty’? there’s lots of difficulty.” But these are objections from the materialist persuasion among us, those who believe in bodies and brains, the primacy of matter, as opposed to consciousness.
K. Elenchus, with all this in view, explain what happened in our situation.
E. Well, again, it was totally unexpected, and even this moment I marvel at how this unfolded for us. The first "breaking dawn" of the long awaited communication came from a psychic -- a different psychic -- and pretty much right on time according to prophesied timetable. There were good similarities between this message and what Adela received. I should preface this with, most times, when you have a reading with a psychic, almost always the messages coming through will be from a person on the other side. Almost never, very very rarely, might the communication be from someone still in this world. And yet, I did receive a message from Kairissi's higher self, and she apologized to me for things of the past, and said that she loved me "deeply", with the word "deeply" used twice. This was really shocking for me and absolutely out-of-the-blue. I never thought this could happen.
K. And tell them about your question.
E. Oh, yes, it's worth mentioning that, at the end of the reading, I thought I would ask the psychic about her sense of this message as being a fulfillment of the "prophecy" about 10 years prior. I explained the background, and I asked her, "Do you think that this message from Kairissi could begin to constitute our having talked openly and frankly before transition?" The psychic said that she felt I was correct in this assessment.
K. Elenchus, it's very strange, if all that you received was the higher-self message from me, you would have declared victory and not thought of asking for more - but the messages had hardly begun!
E. I know, and this is so amazing. What happened next was -- how can I put this? -- it was a full-blown re-creation of Frankl talking to his wife. Later, I would find myself entering a mystical "zone" and when I did, it was like you were there. I could talk to you. Well, I knew you weren't there in bodily form, but, it was just like Frankl and his wife. It seemed so real. I could ask you questions, and I knew that the answers were commensurate with your spirit. You would ask me, and I would answer. And, funny thing, there were times when I learned things that I didn't know, I was being instructed, came to certain realizations, just as it might happen in any bone fide conversation!
K. (softly) How long did this go on?
E. I would say, it went on for months. I'd had a glimmer of this kind of communication with you in the past, over the years, but nothing like this. Here's what I mean. After months of this "open and heartfelt" communication, my spirit was absolutely convinced, and felt fully satisfied, that we had spoken, and I felt totally ready, for us, to enter the next world, and that we'd know what to do, we had our plans now, and we were "ready to go," as you like the phrase, knowing exactly what our first steps would be over there!
K. (softly) Say more on this "fully satisfied."
E. It's just as Frankl said. The fact that you were not present bodily "ceased to matter." We were communicating via the spiritual, inner self, and no bodily coming could have improved our talks. Frankl was exactly right.
K. As we conclude this report, let us acknowledge that many will doubt what we say here. This is anyone's right. But we do not speak to convince anyone. We don't need or want to. We have the reality, and need nothing more. On the WG site we address the issue of engendering mystical experiences. This is not so easy, as the soul will not be prodded into action according to the ego's pleasure. Even so, we also know that there are spiritual practices which, eventually, make the mystical experience more likely. We've presented our story here, not to win any arguments, but only to encourage others that these things are possible. We wish everyone, every couple, the best in terms of finding their own good path in these matters.
Restatement I
K. Let’s try this one more time. Why do we take ourselves seriously when we say that we communicated mind-to-mind? Elenchus, please speak to the issue of “resonance”.
E. This is very important. I know what your spirit is like. It’s familiar to me. And I know what it’s like to miss you and not have you close.
K. Meaning, during those times when you’ve missed me, it’s not so easy just to imagine me as being close.
E. Not easy at all. But, when we were “speaking together,” as Frankl and his wife did, I was given answers to questions. And why do I think these were really from you? Because I felt a “resonance” with your spiritual self. What I was “hearing” is something that matched your vibrational essence, your mind. And I felt a resonance with it. It seemed very familiar. I recognized it as you. So much so, that I felt that “we had talked” and had come to an agreement on various matters.
K. We should remind everyone that there have been many scientific experiments concerning telepathy, and it’s something real. And those who find it easiest to communicate this way are those with a strong bond, especially lovers.
E. And this is what Mary Lodge from the afterlife said.
Restatement II
K. We completed the above discussion a little while ago, but since then we’ve understood a point or two more clearly.
E. You begin, Kriss.
K. What we've been trying to explain is somewhat unusual and so I'd like to repeat and emphasize. I’m thinking of an example where Elenchus was angry with me over some perceived grievance in the distant past. I was not nearby, and so he addressed me, with a confidence that I would hear him, or receive the message sometime. He explained how he could not get rid of the anger, that the earlier incident felt like a betrayal, and it really bothered him.
E. This was like Frankl asking a question of his wife.
K. After the question was posed, I, my spirit-self in contact, as you perceived it, spoke to you - although, not consciously but like the "Rickenbacker" message. “I” explained the circumstances, why I did what I did, and that, if you could only see things from my point of view, it wouldn’t look so dark, that I didn't mean it, and there was no maliciousness on my part.
E. But here’s the really interesting item. I “heard” all this in my spirit, and "in real time" I was receiving her answer. How do I know that I was receiving an answer? – because this issue was causing me much depression, and anger, and I couldn’t shake it, but when I “heard” her speak, I was given information that I didn’t know, and, "in real time,” my anger was dissolved at the receipt of her response. It was just like talking to a person face-to-face, and receiving a direct apology. I had earlier received an apology from Kriss via the psychic, but this was different – now we had opened our own channel and communicated without intermediary.
K. Again, we merely report what happened to us – as encouragement to others who are missing someone. We do not seek to convince anyone.
secrets stolen from deep inside, the drum beats out of time

Cyndi Lauper & Sarah McLachlan
Time After Time
lying in my bed I hear the clock tick and think of you, caught up in circles, confusion is nothing new, flashback, warm nights, almost left behind, suitcase of memories, time after sometimes, you picture me, I'm walking too far ahead, you're calling to me, I can't hear what you have said, then you say, "go slow, I fall behind,” the second hand unwinds, if you're lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time, if you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting, time after time, after my picture fades and darkness has turned to gray, watching through windows, you're wondering if I'm okay, secrets stolen from deep inside, the drum beats out of time, if you're lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time, if you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting, time after time, I will be waiting, time after time, I will be waiting, time after time… |
I'm walking too far ahead, you're calling to me, I can't hear what you have said, then you say, 'go slow, I fall behind'
K. The entire song could be viewed as an encapsulation of our out-of-phase love affair. Consider the phrases: the drum beats out of time, you’re calling to me, I can’t hear what you have said, I’m walking too far ahead and you say ‘go slow’, lying in my bed I hear the clock tick and think of you, confusion is nothing new.
E. Also, after my picture fades and darkness has turned to gray, watching through windows, you're wondering if I'm okay – this is all intense summary of our lives. And I, in fact, do have a greatly fading black-and-white on my desk that I took of you so very long ago.
K. And let's pay homage to the sacred, I will be waiting, I will be waiting…
E. (sighing) But, recently, I noticed something new in these haunting lyrics: secrets stolen from deep inside. Now, the song-writer may have had her own meaning for these words, but, for me, for us, they could only refer to the special communication enjoyed by lovers with a close soul-bond.
K. When we communicate, the answers we receive really are like secrets stolen from deep inside.

K. (smiling) So, buddy, aren't you forgetting something? Just what does "natural way" mean anyway?
E. Oh, yes, that detail - well, in the next world, pretty much everyone communicates telepathically. They can talk with the mouth if they choose to, but everyone says, "that's way too slow, horse-and-buggy stuff, who needs it."
K. So, "natural way" is the normal way of communicating, the way they do it in the "real world," higher self to higher self, telepathically, and we on the Earth are still stuck in the dark ages?
E. Sort of.