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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point




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On the “Art” page of Word Gems, I present the research of Professor Diana K. McDonald:


Weaponized Art: Part II 

30 Masterpieces Of The Ancient World



Professor Diana K. McDonald is an art historian on the faculty of Boston College. She has spent her life investigating primeval art – even from age 6, she jokes, with a trip to Mexico’s art treasures, courtesy of her parents. Dr. McDonald has critically examined ancient artwork in the museums and archeological sites of more than 40 countries.

In the following discussion, I offer my observations concerning the principle features of ancient art – what it meant to the people of long ago, its purpose, how it impacted the development of civilization, and its effect on the evolution of the human spirit.




In her extensive review of ancient art, Dr. McDonald points out that, essentially, all of it represents, to one degree or another, “art as visual propaganda” in service of the political-military ambitions of some Dear Leader.


In the article, I discuss how primordial despots offered a cosmogony which buttressed their claims to rule over the masses.

The word “cosmogony” has two roots, “cosmos” and “genesis,” meaning a cosmogony will present an origin of the universe.

The would-be ascender to the throne, so often, would cast himself as a “son of god,” a “king of the universe,” a “lord of the elements.” With such fanfare, in this modest proposal, the potentate meant to suggest that he and his rulership had been sent from heaven, a divine agency, as blessing to mere mortals.

oh, so that's why the universe was created

As the logic of his assertions would demand, the universe was created for the express purpose that this "son of god" might enjoy forum in which to exercise regal authority. Indeed, by extension, life itself now found meaning in his over-lordship of the plebs; their part, as the predestined subordinate, would be to “pay, pray, and obey.” It all sounds vaguely familiar.

For thousands of years, this general theme of oppression, modified variously to fit a multitude of cultures and societies, mentally enslaved the hapless millions, teaching them of their innate worthlessness, but for the saving grace of Dear Leader’s supervision. And, of course, this cultish mindset, to this day, continues to afflict, probably, the majority of people on planet Earth.

a shocking discovery, a single blossoming rose of enlightened vision among the ancient world’s desiccation

When everyone thinks the same way, it’s really hard to rise above the group-think of one’s peers. It’s so rare that we might almost say it’s virtually impossible. This is so, especially, as was the case in the ancient world, if formal education is non-existent. Imagine trying to elevate your mind without books, good teachers, the ability to read, or the leisure time to explore these. Imagine everyone around you, including your grandmother and parents, telling you that your purpose in life, the reason you were born, is to serve the king, to temper personal desires in favor of the state, to live as a drone-worker in the termite colony.

It would be more than difficult to free oneself of these mental chains. How could it happen when all of society is commandeered to make you believe, from early childhood, that you are worthless and without a future - or a right to one; and that whatever god there may be operates only at the pleasure of the local dictator.

And yet, in this intellectual and anti-humanistic dearth and dark age that was the ancient world, we find a writer who glimpsed the glorious future of humanity. Like a stranger in a strange land, like a rose blossoming in the parches desert, like a cultivated person among the undeveloped, one thinker offered a prophecy of Omega Point.

Genesis and The Wedding Song offer a cosmogony

As discussed on the “Bible” page and in The Wedding Song, the biblical Genesis is part of no “infallible” book. It was created, thousands of years ago, as a collection of clay tablets, over a period of many years, by more than one writer.

However, one of these writers did, in fact, see more clearly than others. In every age there are those with psychic-mediumistic abilities, and this seer “channeled” information from the other side, in a manner very similar to the transmission of The Wedding Song.

Genesis 2:24

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (NKJV)

Genesis 2:24 is alluded to in The Wedding Song. Why was this verse, in a sea's depth of innumerable options, prominently displayed in the song? You’ll want to read the detailed contextual analysis in The Wedding Song, but, effectively, the Genesis verse declares to us:

“All that’s happened to this point – the creation of both the Universe and the Earth – has been purposefully set in order and motion for the benefit of Twin Soul romantics, metaphorically portrayed as Eve and Adam. Everything was brought into being that they might explore their ‘made in the image’ status, which is the joyful mind of Mother-Father God.”

The Troubadour Spirit Guides, the hidden writers of the lyrics of The Wedding Song, were not content with this monumental cosmogony. Very artfully, they added another element of wonder. The concept of leaving father and mother in order to be joined to one’s mate is replaced by “they shall travel on.”

The exclusive alliance with one’s cosmic mate and the “traveling on together” are meant to be viewed as similar concepts, in apposition to each other.

In other words, the joining to one’s mate, the growing sense of intimacy and oneness on all levels of being -- physical, mental, spiritual -- are recast as “traveling on,” signifying, a forever-love now coming into view, an eternal process of journeying toward greater expressions of joy, happiness, purpose, and meaning in one’s life, that is, one's joint life with a particular one.

This "traveling on" is to be a quest for two, in "joint life" as Twins, becoming more and more like the Divine Parent(s), emulating their joy.

Editor's note: It needs to be a joint life; for, as Elizabeth came to realize, "how can it make me happy, such a thing as my life; it never made me happy, without you."

In Aristotle's philosophy of causation, one could not truly understand the nature of something unless its purpose were known. The Greek word teleos speaks to this futurity, a "goal" or "end" in view. Modern philosophers scoff at this quaint notion of Aristotle, but we'll see about this.

Omega is the 24th and last letter of the Greek alphabet. Both Genesis and The Wedding Song direct us to a grand vision, an unfolding and evolvement, an advanced stage of development, a sacred destiny -- for one particular woman with one particular man.

It is a "traveling on" to Omega Point.


Kairissi. There are so many breathless insights on this page that one becomes overwhelmed. And here is one more, very much in line with all that’s been said.

Elenchus. We were reviewing the lecture synopses on the Krishnamurti page – so many stellar perceptions there – but this one, especially, caught our eye:

06.Dec.1959. Why is the mind so restless, as the sea, never stable, never quiet? What are we seeking? We say ‘happiness’ but our definition changes, and we're not satisfied when we win. There is a longing to arrive, to achieve, to become something. Truth does not come to a mind burdened with experience, full of knowledge, that has gathered virtue, has stifled itself through discipline, control. Truth comes to the mind that is innocent. You cannot seek for that which will fill up the emptiness because you do not know what it is. You cannot capture the Immeasurable.

E. We would encourage our readers to click on the link and see the full discussion, but Kriss, tell us what this means to you.

K. Krishnamurti is talking about coming to enlightenment in a general sense. He speaks of the inner emptiness and how people spend their lives chasing rainbows to quash the existential neediness of “I am not enough.” He’s talking about finding the Truth, “the Immeasurable.” But then it occurred to me, everything he says also applies to one’s quest to find the eternal mate.

E. She is more than a pretty face, more than mere thrill and comfort, but a representation of the Truth itself. She helps her mate to access the “face of God.”

K. There is much to be said here, and whole series of books could be produced, but even this much will send the alert reader to profitable meditations concerning this invitation to Ultimate Realty – because this is what your true mate is to you.

E. Let me highlight a few sentences from the lecture:

"You cannot seek it, because you do not know what it is. As long as you seek it, it will never come… you will never get it [merely by seeking]. It comes darkly, uninvited… What I am telling you is not what you have read. What has been described is not what is.”

K. Well, this will put you off right away, we'll take our chances on e-harmony.

E. Unfortunately, he's correct. Neither the Truth at large nor the true mate can be secured just by going on a hunting expedition. Both constitute "something never seen before."



Editor's last word:

each Sacred Couple as "central mountain"

In his investigations of the myths and religious beliefs of various cultures, Dr. Joseph Campbell reports of a shaman’s ecstatic vision of a “central mountain of the world.” This tribal psychic-medium, I suspect, channeled from the other side a poetic metaphor of how God loves each person on an individual basis.

God does not love us as a group, we’re not just some nameless number on a membership roster, but, instead, each person, each of us, is a “central mountain,” a focus and particular delight of Divinity’s heart and mind.

And I was thinking of this “central mountain” principle in reference to the Genesis 2:24 directive, and I believe that its sense extends to this:

the universe was created not just for Twin Souls as a group, but for each sacred couple on an individual basis

What does this mean?

We’re not accustomed to this kind of special-care individual attention. All of us have been, or currently are, members of various cultish organizations, and in this dreary membership we are treated as faceless drones of the hive. But this soulless collectivism is not how God looks upon her children.

In Summerland, as we’ve learned, individuals are given so much freedom to explore their particularized definitions of Jeffersonian “pursuit of happiness” that, to an outside observer, the form of governance over there might appear to border on anarchy; however, this might seem so only because, in our world, we are so used to being regulated, policed, herded, taught to walk in a straight line, and to memorize the "right" answer; but none of this uniformity is for our benefit.

I believe that Genesis 2:24 offers the radical suggestion that the very existence of the universe becomes gift to the future happiness of Twin Soul couples. But, even more, Ultimate Reality itself was designed, not just for Twins as a general group but, with each particular couple -- with familiar names and recognized faces to God -- as "central mountain" of the cosmos, the apple of God's eye, the focus of God's delight. Divinity brought it all into existence for just one couple -- just for you and your eternal mate -- and then did the same thing for all other Twin couples.

Is this double-talk? Imagine the dynamics of a healthy family wherein the parents love, are proud of, and delight in, each child, on an equal and individualized basis. In this enlightened family, the parents love each child as "central mountain."

a cosmogony that we know and feel is true

This means that the joy of Twins' romantic interaction is the ultimate reason and purpose for everything we see around us. It's all for their pleasure, their classroom, their growth and development, their achievements, their service projects; and how they approach this opportunity of "being," of adventure, of exploration and learning, of pursuit of godhood, of simply sharing life together, will be up to them.

It's a cosmogony we can believe in.

But, is it really true? How can we know? The best veridical test will be from this source: Right now, quiet your mind and "take a reading" on what you feel about this on the deepest soul level. What is it reporting to you? Do you feel yourself as just another creature in God's realm? Would you be supremely happy with being just one more yellow pencil?

God's individualized love, for you and your eternal mate -- yes, just for you two, and not merely a generalized membership in God's family -- is the only thing that could ever satisfy completely.