Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
Kairissi & Elenchus:
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Elenchus. I’ve said that I often experience being stunned, a kind of “perpetual astonishment,” when I’m near you or even viewing your photos.
Kairissi. Have you tried to analyze this? – what does it mean?
E. Well… you offer me everything I ever wanted from “my girl” -- a mesmerizing combination of the pleasures of the body, the pleasures of the mind, and the pleasures of the soul.
K. It’s the “girl-next-door sports package.” But define these delights, buddy.
E. The pleasures of the body are plain enough to understand; the pleasures of the mind relate to a desire to share thoughts on all subjects, to jointly pursue and discover “the truth"; and the pleasures of the soul speak of a sense of celebration and joy for our "made in the image" darling companionship, our destiny to become more and more like Mother-Father God.
K. It’s suddenly more clear to me just how much John and Mary miss out on. Most of them might have a shadow of the first aspect, but less, far less, with the other two.
E. There is a reason why the great Troubadour Guides said that virtually no one on this planet has tasted of the sweet honey of authentic romantic love.

E. In my anger I had said that you were “vicious.” That’s a hard word, and I think I'd rather not use it.
K. (softly) But… there may be truth in it.
E. I don’t think so.
K. (silence)
E. I think you were just afraid. I’ve learned from wise teachers that fear is just anticipation of loss. We feel diminished; we feel depreciated. And fear tells us that we’re under threat of becoming less.
K. I think we become angry if we believe "I'll never be happy."
E. Anger is just a form, an extension, of fear. Anger is the outrage we feel, the sense of injustice, when what we believe should be ours is taken away, or fails to arrive.
K. When you didn’t respond, my mental image of a future happiness with you started to fold.
E. I understand… and I know that my lack of response seemed so unreasonable. But, all this happened so early, and engulfed us so quickly... neither of us was very skilled at dealing with these things.
K. Elenchus… Wisdom is your default domain. You're always the first to see more clearly.
E. Except in matters of Love, where you’ve always been first.
K. (sighing)
E. But let me praise you even more. Over the years, as I would occasionally visit with a psychic-medium, at times I would receive a message about you. And very often they would describe you in the most glowing terms.
K. Really?
E. Absolutely. They’d say things about how spiritual you are, how shining and glorious is your womanly nature, how marvelous is your loving nature.
K. (sighing)
E. And I must confess my sins to you now: in years past, during my time of anger, I wondered about these stellar reports of a "super-girl.”
K. (silence)
E. But, as I consult with my own soul, I finally know they’re correct. I was too immature then to appreciate who you are.
K. The Spirit Guides, in their positive-mindedness, and now you, as well, see beyond my present short-comings, all the way to what I hope to become… for you.
E. I have many regrets from those old days – the life we lost together, the happiness we missed out on – but, what hurts most is the squandered opportunity to have told you how much you mean to me, how wonderful you are… I should have told you on that cold November day, and every day thereafter.

I will find you...

The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
“I will find you. No matter how long it takes, no matter how far, I will find you.”
