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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point

The Inferential Life: Part IV 

the spirit of Universal Consciousness, the mind of God, is freedom loving, promotes the individual not the group, does not mindlessly conform to patterns of society



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the spirit of Universal Consciousness, the mind of God, is freedom loving, promotes the individual not the group, does not mindlessly conform to patterns of society

Krishnamurti lecture: 07.May.1966. "Meditation isn't apart from daily existence. One can't be ambitious, ruthless, vulgar and at the same time talk about God, truth, love. Meditation is a most dangerous thing. To be aware of the total process of existence, without choice, to be completely attentive, makes the mind tremendously active and revolutionary, not a domesticated animal, conforming to the pattern of society. This is dangerous because you may have to alter the whole structure of your life. Unconsciously, you know the danger of it, so you get nervous because you want to lead a secure life. What is being talked about might destroy all that. You will no longer be a Christian, or an Englishman, or an Indian, or this or that. You'll belong to no group, no sect. You'll have to be tremendously alone."

Editor’s note: “You will no longer be a Christian” because Jesus himself would not be a Christian. The doctrines of the Church veer widely from original teachings. Moreover, the Church is a totalitarian institution of the world, intent upon power and control, and this spirit of subjugation reflects nothing of freedom-loving Universal Consciousness, our core being, untethered by “simply noticing.”

The fact that we are led not to be a member of this or that group says a lot about the nature of Universal Consciousness – which, as we soon perceive, is very adamant for us to be free of all external restraint. This is why in Summerland the whole society is built around the individual, not the group.

The unenlightened intuitively back away from this kind of “dangerous” meditation, as they subliminally sense the "revolutionary" aspect of it, meaning, they might have to change their lives. But they will also deny and shun those who speak of these things and even say that you are “frightening”. If you tell your friends about “going within”, do not be surprised if they do not take kindly to this kind of iconoclastic and “revolutionary” announcement.

What Krishnamurti says here is unqualifiedly true. In the “simply noticing” writing we discussed how merely becoming aware of the antics of one’s own mind sets in motion a process of liberating Universal Consciousness in one’s life and being. It will promote you, the individual, as something sacred.

What is the evidence that this principle is true? Does God’s mind really elevate sacred autonomy?

When you embark upon this kind of “dangerous mediation,” then, over the coming years, you will become the evidence that these statements are absolutely true.





Editor's last word: