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the biblical Exodus and new archeological findings



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New archeological findings offer compelling evidence of the existence of biblical personages – Joseph in Egypt, Jacob, Moses – also the historicity of the Exodus, the plunder of Egypt, and the fall of Jericho.


What might be the implication of these authentications of biblically-referenced events and personalities?



There is a great deal of new and important information to consider here; far too much to discuss in this forum. But allow me to highlight some of the books and movies one might survey:

(1) “Patterns Of Evidence”, a series by filmmaker and researcher Tim Mahoney, with Egyptologist Dr. David Rohl; and

(2) “Exodus Decoded,” a History Channel production, narrated by Simcha Jacobovici.


1. 'Patterns Of Evidence'

One can purchase the associated books and movies – however, sometimes the films are available on free-streaming sites such as tubi.com.

But youtube.com offers a great deal here, and much of the information can be accessed in these four online lecture-series videos:


Editor’s note: My strong encouragement, in these presentations, would be to make special note of David Rohl’s distinction between two Pharaohs, “Shoshenk” and “Shishak.” Because of the similarities in the names, a mistake was made when Egyptology was in its infancy in 1822. This led to confusion in the Egypt-Israel timeline, and caused chronologists ever since to place the Exodus too late in history, which resulted in charges that it never happened.


2. 'Exodus Decoded'

I had reviewed “Patterns Of Evidence” first. It’s very well done, and so I did not feel especially compelled to search further. However, I’m glad I did as “Exodus Decoded” not only presents new archeological findings not offered in “Patterns” but, in my opinion, puts forward a better synthesis of the information.

See the video on youtube.

Simcha Jacobovici narrates "Decoded." An astonishing, but credible, thesis is laid out. At the time of the Exodus, the largest volcanic eruption in history, which destroyed the Minoan civilization, would very likely have affected life in Egypt, and with dire consequences.

There is new archeological evidence, many new discoveries, revealed in in "Decoded." Additionally, Jacobovici gives report, more than one account in the modern world, of volcanic activity creating conditions which closely resemble the “plagues of Egypt.” I found this to be shocking, but it seems to be true. If it is true, it would mean that “the plagues” could have been engendered as natural fallout of outsized volcanic chaos. See the video for full details.

special note: The youtube video is prefaced by a warning, to the effect, “this contains offensive material" - which is very curious as there is nothing, at all, untoward, or off-color, in the entire film. But, as one investigates aspects of history which do not fit the popular or accepted narrative, one finds politics masquerading as knowledge.

See the book or website concerning “Forbidden Archeology”; in addition to new findings, there's discussion on how new archeological material is suppressed, if it does not fit the accepted paradigm.

Editor's review

What are we to make of this new information regarding authentication of certain biblical events and persons? Shall we all now begin to observe Old Testament law and ritual? Is the God of the Torah now to be honored?

This is not the message and meaning to be derived – for several reasons.

First, and most importantly – as we’ve discussed many times on Word Gems – the “scientific evidence of the afterlife” changes everything and becomes dispositive and apodictic to this question. We know a good deal of what life in Summerland is like, and there is no hint, not an atom or particle, of a thundering and angry God of the Old Testament to be seen anywhere over there. Summerland is not a religious society, but is progressively humanistic, built around the growth-and-development potentialities of the individual, not the collective, religious or otherwise. See further discussion of life in Summerland here and here.

Additionally, just because certain – not all – events of the Old Testament might enjoy historical reality, this does not mean that everything in the Bible, or the Torah, is now sanctioned as golden and “God breathed.” See the long list of articles on the “Bible” main page, many of which speak of atrocities, barbarities, and inhumanism sanctioned by so-called holy writ.

Further, there is no such thing as a “chosen people.” God has no favorite kids in the Family. And this errant notion of an “elect” has been the cause of bloodshed for centuries. Once we go down the road of “I am better” and “God loves me more”, now the unenlightened mind readily finds excuse to justify any murderous intent, and this, in the name of God: any who believe differently are “wrong,” and, as we’ve seen for millennia, they become so wrong that they deserve to be killed. This is the lesson of history.

“The history of religious belief on Earth is long and varied, with concepts, doctrines and rituals of all sorts designed to propitiate and beseech any number of gods and goddesses, dating back thousands of years. Although many people believe religion to be a good and necessary thing, little is more divisive than religion. It rends humanity in a number of ways through extreme racism, sexism… Religion, in fact, is dependent on division, because it requires an enemy, whether it be earthly or in another dimension. Religion dictates that some people are special or chosen while others are immoral and evil, and it too often insists that it is the duty of the ‘chosen’ to destroy the others. And organized religion puts a face on the divine itself that is sectarian, sexist and racist, portraying a male god of a particular ethnicity. The result is that, over the centuries, humankind has become utterly divided among itself and disconnected from nature, so that it stands on the verge of chaos… Not one man in ten thousand knows anything about the proofs of his faith. We believe what we are taught; and those are most fanatical who know least of the evidences on which their creed is based.” Dr. D.M. Murdock, The Christ Conspiracy



Editor's last word:

Truth is established, as final word, not so much by archeology but by what we have to look forward to. Even more, truth becomes something real when we access the hidden life within, our connection to the real God, not a bloodthirsty tribal-chieftain god.

Final note: Look at what Joshua and the Israelites did to the inhabitants of Canaan. They killed everyone, old people, women, and little children. And why? – because they were “chosen,” they were better, the elite, the ones God loved more. This is the murderous illusion of the dysfunctional ego.