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Hitchhiker's Guide




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I decided to add this restatement because, more than before, I see a potential danger for us when we take up residence in the home-world.

Some of the following is not new. I’ve addressed it somewhat. But I now see the problem as something more pervasive, more insidious.

oppression, seduction, and imprisonment, of the mind

First of all, I’d like to keep all of this within a certain context. Summerland cannot be invaded. We will never be in danger of bodily attack or assault. No one can get to us in this way. However, it is possible to suffer oppression of the mind – but not without our consent. And this latter element needs to be discussed.

Historian Paul Johnson’s comment comes to mind:

"Hitler's artistic approach was absolutely central to his success. Lenin's religious-type fanaticism would never have worked in Germany. The Germans were the best-educated nation in the world. To conquer their minds was very difficult. Their hearts, their sensibilities, were easier targets ... In a rare moment of frankness, Lenin once said that only a country like Russia could have [been] captured so easily ... Germany was a different proposition. It could not be raped. It had to be seduced."

the seduction of the mind in Summerland

It’s already happened, to hundreds of millions over there. The mind, meant to be an inviolable, unconquerable kingdom of personal autonomy, is often seduced in Summerland.

In fact, I will go so far as to say that the vast majority of those who live on the “lower levels” of Summerland have been violated and compromised in this way. Unfortunately, the people themselves have allowed this, or it could never have happened.

We discussed this in “the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side” writing. This needs to be our required reading.

With all of this in place as basis for our investigation here, we would do well to consider something the Buddha said 2500 years ago.



Do not believe on the strength of traditions, even if they have been held in honor for many generations and in many places;

do not believe anything because many people speak of it;

do not believe on the strength of sages of old times;

do not believe that which you yourselves have imagined, thinking that a god has inspired you.

Believe nothing which depends only on the authority of your masters and priests.

After investigation, believe that which you have yourselves tested and found to be for your good and that of others.

                   (attributed to) The Buddha, The Kalama Sutta



These warnings well describe the errors of the mind of the majority of citizens of Summerland. Too often they’re impressed with “higher level” teachers.

This is their undoing, and their seduction. In another article, I discussed this disingenuity, from certain sectors of leadership over there, the gaudy and meretricious light-show display of “advanced” teachers.

what is the precise problem, what is the real issue here

The real issue is that there is no such thing as an “advanced” teacher from “higher” levels. This concept is a worldly, materialistic error, promoted by those who have not experienced the marvels of the made-in-the-image inner life – all of which is available to any daughter or son of God, no matter where they live in the universe – even, on the Earth.

One's geography, or longevity, none of this externality, can serve as basis of godly wisdom and spiritual insight.

People will try to fool you with "I am from the seventh level" or "I've been here for 3000 years, so I really know." But these factors do not determine one's degree of wisdom.

The fact of the matter is, those who have entered a good measure of enlightenment do not need leaders, as such. This is a materialistic concept of the Earth.

Those who have discovered the “true self” are inwardly led, personally taught, by Mother-Father God. And they will see things, know things, and perceive things, which might escape even those who’ve lived over there for millions or billions of years.

See one of my favorite quotations in this regard:

you will experience unimaginable things, but no one will believe you

"Spiritual practice must be uninterrupted. We may be anxious because we see very little happening on a daily basis, but we must be patient until we can see what the accumulation of our effort yields. Self-cultivation means steady gradual progress…

"After long self-cultivation, one’s accumulated energy reaches a threshold and then bursts out, full, breathing, and vibrant… When one’s spiritual energy emerges, it feels like a swan rising from the water...

"If you spend a long period of time in study and self-cultivation, you will enter ... a world of extraordinary perceptions. You experience unimaginable things, receive thoughts and learning as if from nowhere, perceive things that could be classified as prescient. Yet if you try to communicate what you experience, there is no one to understand you, no one who will believe you. The more you walk this road, the farther you are from the ordinary ways of society... To speak to them of the wonders you have seen is often to engage in a futile bout of miscommunication. That is why it is said that those who know do not speak." Deng Ming-Dao, 365 Tao

Deng get’s it exactly right. "Unimaginable things".

This is the reality – not “my advanced teacher came from higher levels and he really knows and now I must obey.” This servility and "you are my master" countermands every rubric of authentic higher wisdom.

And those who are impressed with this sophism will suffer a seduction of the mind, and will enter the ranks of the "insane 500."

I'm a fan of Father Benson

I’ve stated this many times. I really appreciate his channeled works and detailed descriptions of Summerland. It’s my intention to live near his university-town when I get over there.

However, there are things that Father Benson does not understand. Now, maybe he’s different today as his writings were channeled 75 years ago. But, it must be stated, there is far too much deference in his writings offered to “advanced” teachers from “higher” levels who, we’re encouraged to believe, really know how things work. But this is not how things work.

Editor's note: How can we know and be sure of this? - as we "go within" we'll be instructed.

In the “mystical experience” article, we discussed the difference between a psychic and a medium. If one has been on the other side for millions of years, it would not be unusual for the mind to possess, to have unfolded, great innate powers. But, mark this well. People can become a great psychic without being a great, mature and wise person.

What is the essence of the vital message here?

Consider carefully what the Buddha said:

Do not be impressed with anyone’s credentials. Anyone. You don't need a Dear Leader, no matter how august or how ancient. This is how children are led. We are to live from our sacred centers. This, the “holy of holies” of the mind, is where God meets with us, and teaches us, individually, and directly, without mediation of some so-called and self-styled “advanced” teacher from afar. There is, absolutely, no such thing, not in the better districts of reality.


for children

As humanity progresses and evolves, not just in this world but in ones to come, we must move beyond top-down authority and Dear Leader autocracy. This is a control model for children.

Elizabeth provides the template

On the previous page, Elizabeth Fry’s testimony from the other side provides a good template. In her service group, she says, there are no leaders giving orders, as such. However, as they work on various service projects, each member “goes within” to determine who has the best abilities to supervise the particular project at hand. This egalitarianism is the right way.

always, a loose confederation, no federation

We are to live from our sacred centers. When we come together with others to provide a particular group-service effort, it must be as a confederation of autonomous individuals, not a federation ruled by an elite head honcho.

any group must be decentralized

Any organization must be decentralized, allowing Spirit to work through the most capable persons concerning the project under review. Each person, in effect, is the center of the organization, the center on an ad hoc basis -- meaning, this will change, depending on the project -- each one must be ready to oversee, if one’s unique set of qualities are deemed to be the best for a certain project.

who's in charge here

How will this be determined? – by “going within” – which is another way of saying that the Great Spirit, the Source of all wisdom, will be the true guiding force in any endeavor and organization.



God has no favorite kids. And God does not dispense knowledge and wisdom via top-down, command-style hierarchical structure. This is what the cults teach to enshrine an elite power-group.

Each one of us is the center of God's undivided attention and affection, and there is no such thing as a guru at a higher level who really knows. And if one at that higher level does really know, it's not because s/he's way up there on the mountain top, but because s/he has "gone within" and has been taught by God - as any one of us can be taught.

The psychic powers of the mind often need time to unfold, but none of this can give us wisdom or spirituality. But sacred "mediumship" abilities -- a direct link to God -- can do this, and these gifts might be received in one moment of cosmic clarity, wherever we are in the universe.

Final note: These “teachers”, plugged into a materialistic viewpoint, invariably frame their version of ultimate reality in terms of ostentation, light-show displays, "bigger is better" and "look at me", of prettier flowers, more picturesque landscape, and palatial mansions of crystal-emerald-gold. And all this glittering externality is presented to us as highest wisdom, something to strive for to the utmost, they say, and to be ours when we’ve truly arrived. I don't think so. Their problem is, they have no concept of the internal "unimaginable things."

And so, the further question is begged, just what is ultimate reality? If we accept the answer offered by the immature, it’s crystal palaces, high mucky-muck office with plenty of glitz-and-glamour, prettier colors in your prize-winning flower garden. But not everyone buys this story over there. Those who see clearly will understand that the “highest level of heaven” is one’s own sanctified mind, linked to God. We take this "seventh level of heaven" with us, wherever we go. And there’s no waiting for it, eons and eons, until you’re good enough, but can be available right now, with one moment of cosmic clarity.

Personal note: I would have no interest in living in a mega crystal palace. If it appeals to you, that's fine, do what you like, but the idea repels me. When I arrive in Summerland, I intend to have a nice regular house, situated on a low-tech farm, with a lake, trees, and large pasture, for my many animals, and a large barn for the animals to come home to. In addition to family, I'm hoping that friends will live with me on the farm, and I never have to leave this oasis, unless I'm called away to duties and studies. It's my safe haven, I can always come back to this restful place after my travels. This begins to sound like heaven to me.