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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


The Near-Death Experience

Editor’s Essay: Many NDE accounts feature a percipient meeting a ‘being of light’ or finding oneself immersed in an aura of light or intense love. However, other reports of the afterlife, such as the extensive and numerous direct-voice medium testimonies via Flint or French, or the channeled works by Father Benson or Charlotte Dresser offer a much different picture of the next world, devoid of beings of light or full-immersion into light and love. Why the discrepancy?



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Nearly 30 years ago when I first discovered the NDE accounts, I assumed that everything one might see or hear during this event should be taken as “gospel truth.” Much later I learned that almost none, precious little, of it can be taken seriously.

This might sound strange, but I’d like to discuss this.

You see, it’s not only the NDE but many or most of the reports from the other side, at least in part, are tainted with error – be they accounts coming to us via mental mediums, direct-voice mediums, channeled works or otherwise.

Elsewhere on the WG site, we’ve discussed how those nearest the Earth, in terms of similar vibrational essence, find it easiest to communicate with us. The more advanced persons over there often find it difficult to get a message through because of a mismatch in the vibrations.

The problem for us is that those “nearest the Earth” are sometimes mischievous or wicked discarnates, looking for a good time by feeding us bad information; or, almost as bad, the “new comers” over there in Summerland, who don’t know much, are often so eager to preach to us, as if they’ve now become fonts of total knowledge – I say this because I can show you comments by well-seasoned Spirit Guides, on the other side for thousands of years, who are hesitant to speak or offer an opinion as they realize how much knowledge there is to attain and how easy it is to get it wrong. But the “new comers” are just so giddy and pumped to gush and tell us how it really is.

How does all this affect the NDE report?

I’d like to address this by first offering you an account of a rare “group NDE” – three person were “killed” simultaneously and they jointed experienced the same NDE but with certain very telling differences.

Here is the testimony of May Eulitt, which is recorded on Kevin Williams’ NDE site.


During the fall of 1971, when I was 22 years old, I shared a near-death experience with my cousin, James, and his best friend, Rashad, who was from India. Both young men were on a break from school and were staying with my family on our farm.

One afternoon the three of us went to the cornfield to cut fodder. To get to the field we had to go through a metal gate, and we took turns climbing down to open and shut it.

By late afternoon a storm started brewing in the west, and we decided to quit for the day. It was James’ turn to open the gate, and as he did so, he reached up for my arm to climb back up onto the wagon. I was leaning the wrong way, and his weight pulled me toward him. Rashad grabbed my other arm to steady me, and we were in just this position when the lightening hit us.

I saw the lightning sparkle along the top of the gate. The next thing we knew, we were in a large room or hall made of dark stone. The ceiling was so high and the gloom was so thick we couldn’t see the top. There were no furnishings or wall hangings, just cold, black stone all around. I knew I should be afraid, but I just felt peaceful, floating along there in the gloom with my two friends in the great, dark hall. The stately walls of this place loomed above us and seemed to radiate both great power and also great masculinity.

I remember thinking it would have suited King Arthur. It was at that point that I realized that the three of us were united in thought and body. Images of Arthur came to me from James and Rashad. James saw only a cosmic version of the king. Rashad seemed to [be] envisioning himself in the time of Arthur. As we all became conscious of each other’s thoughts, I suddenly knew James and Rashad better than I have ever known anyone else.

We realized there was light coming into the chamber from an archway at one end. It was more than just light. It was a golden, embracing warmth. It gave off a feeling of peace and contentment more intense than anything we had ever felt. We were drawn toward it. We weren’t talking, but we were communicating with each other on some other level, seeing through each other’s eyes. As we came to the archway and passed through, we entered a beautiful valley...

To me, the valley appeared to be Heaven, but at the same time I knew that James and Rashad were seeing it differently. James saw it as the Gulf of Souls. Rashad saw it as Nirvana, and somehow we knew all this without speaking.

The light began gathering at the far end of the valley, and slowly, out of the mist, a pure white being began to materialize. I saw an angel with a strong, bright face, but not like you’d usually imagine. She was closer to a strong, Viking Valkyrie. I knew she was the special angel that watches over the women of my family, and I perceived her name to be Hellena. James saw this same being as his late father, a career Naval officer, in a white dress uniform. Rashad perceived the being to be the Enlightened One, or Buddha.

The being spoke first to Rashad and welcomed him. He said that Rashad’s time on Earth was done. He was worthy now of Nirvana. Rashad asked why James and I were there and was told that we were part of the reason why he was worthy of Nirvana. His two great friends loved him so much that they had willingly accompanied him on his last journey.

At the same time, however, James received a different message. He had been worried about what his father would think about his anti-war protest activities, and his father told him he was proud of him for standing up for what he believed. He knew he was not a coward because a coward would not have made this journey with Rashad.

I received yet another message in which Hellena told me she was glad I had remembered the example of strength, honesty, wisdom, and loyalty taught to me by my family.

We spent what seemed like an eternity in this place as we talked to our separate, yet joined, entities. They said they appeared to us in this way because back in the real world we were physically joined when the lightning struck us. They said it also symbolized the joining of all religions and doctrines. They said I would live to see a new age of tolerance, that the souls and hearts of humanity would be joined as the three of us were.

The guides taught us that doctrine and creed and race meant nothing. No matter what we believed we were all children joined under one God, and that the only rule was God’s true law – do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We should treat all people as if they were a part of our soul because they were. All living things in the universe were connected to one another. They said that soon humanity would mature enough to assume a higher place in the universal scheme of things, but until then we must learn acceptance and tolerance and love for each other.

They said there would come a new age when people would not be able to endure seeing others homeless and hungry. We would realize that only by helping each other could we truly help ourselves.

Eventually we were told that it was time to go. We would not be allowed to stay longer because it was not yet time for me or for James, only for Rashad.

The enlightened one told Rashad he would have a little time before he returned to take care of his worldly affairs.

James’ father told him he would return to this place soon after Rashad, but the two of them had to go back for now so that I could.

I said I would willing stay here in this valley with them, but Hellena told me that I had not fulfilled my destiny; that I had children yet unborn...


There are many issues in play here, ones best addressed by referring you to another article: “the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side.” I will encourage you to study this “500” writing in order to gain a better perspective concerning the inner-workings of the above NDE.

Notice that the three friends saw one being of light – not three beings of light – and that this same being of light was interpreted differently according to the private belief-system of each individual.

Also notice how the particular thoughts of the moment produced images in “real time.” May found herself thinking, “Oh, this reminds me of King Arthur” and immediately various items related to Arthur popped into the mental scene. See the "holodeck" writing for discussion on how "thoughts are things" on the other side and how we will manipulate environment.

Consider also, for example, that James’ message reflected hidden worries in his life, and May was given advice which spoke to her early inculcation regarding definitions of virtue.

Essentially, what we’re looking at here in this NDE is not an objective glimpse of ultimate reality but a “staged production” featuring the cultural conditioning of each percipient.

And I must draw special attention to the prophecies from the so-called “enlightened one.” We are to know that the Earth is about to enter a “new age” of compassion and brotherhood, wherein world hunger will be put to flight. We take note, as well, that this was to occur during the lifetimes of the listeners. However, all have passed on, for keeps this time, to the next world. But we are still waiting for the “new golden age” of love all around.

Predictions of world peace are not new and come rather cheaply. There are famous reports in this regard, associated with Big Religion, given to children, by celestial beings, about a hundred years ago, which gained much esteem within certain circles. But we are still waiting for this promised world peace.

And in several of the channeled afterlife books there are similar promises. One coming to mind is the account of “Private Dowding,” killed in WWI. He sent a record, via channeled writing, of his journey on the other side, part of which entailed an encounter with a so-called advanced being who specifically promised that “before the year 2000” – written approximately 1920 – a new age of spiritual growth and peace would engulf the world. We know that didn’t happen. Instead we got WWII with twice as many killed, plus all of the poisonous totalitarian agenda on deck, right now, as we speak. See a reference, more information, about “Private Dowding” in “the 500” writing.

When you read “the 500” article you will be informed of a great struggle on the other side in terms of immature persons attempting to craft a world over there according to their immature views. It won’t happen, but they’re trying. And some of these “missionary zealots” who promote erroneous teaching stand ready to infiltrate and direct the NDE experiences of certain ones here.

Not all but most of the channeled books from the other side contain so much error that they’re virtually worthless. They promote a materialistic view of life which, for them, is quite real, and they’re on the look-out to rake in new disciples. Unfortunately, for us, it is the rare teacher on the other side who speaks from the basis of the “true self” and not the “little-me ego.”

Allow me to state clearly, that, in my opinion, some of the best and most accurate reports from the other side originate from Father Benson, Charlotte Dresser, and Emily French. And in that vast corpus of information you can look high and low, near and far, and you will not find one single reference to meeting “beings of light” on the streets of Summerland. It doesn’t work that way.

Advanced entities over there can, have the ability to, in fact, present themselves as “beings of light" but they do not do so in the course of common activities. I can show you quotations from the wise in the next world who will say, to the effect, “We do nothing to attract attention to ourselves. We don’t gad about like a vain peacock trying to impress you. And this is absolutely and especially true concerning our dealings with new-comers. With them we take extra care to appear utterly ordinary so as not to frighten them.”

This is an extremely important point, and so if we find some purported teacher coming to us, maybe in an NDE, and presenting him- or herself as a living “burning bush,” you can take it to the bank that you’re dealing with an immature and proud spirit who’s strutting his stuff to try to look good.

Greatest case in point: Father Benson tells us of a man – not God - known as the “Ruler of the Realms.” He’s billions of years old, possessing great powers beyond that which we can presently know (although each of us will one day attain to the same expression of divine abilities).

But here’s the really interesting item: the “Ruler”, when he visits Summerland, and converses with all – knowing each by name, along with a familiarity with each one’s personal situationhe goes out of his way to present himself as patently ordinary. He’s like your favorite uncle, and he’ll tell a joke or two as he chats with you, he’ll ask about what’s happening with the things you’re working on, and he’ll tell you about how his rose garden is doing. And in none of this studious ordinariness will he ever burst on the scene as a “being of light”, even though his power rivals a million suns.

Again, there are many issues in play here, ones best addressed by referring you to another article: “the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side.” I will encourage you to study this “500” writing in order to gain a better perspective concerning the inner-workings of the above NDE.

When you do this extra study, you will agree with me that not only are most of the NDE reports highly suspect but so are most of the mental-medium and direct-voice medium testimonies. So often, they're tapping into the energies of immature or mischievous spirits.

It’s hard to get a straight and honest story from over there when egos stand to gain a following for themselves, so much power and control over too-credulous minds.


Essentially, the typical NDE expresses two dynamics:

(1) a representation of one’s cultural conditioning; we see what we’ve been programmed to see, and might expect to see; and

(2) an opportunistic visitation by low-level spirit entities intent upon promoting their particular view of how the universe works.

The remedy or safeguard here? Stay close to one’s “true self” and the inner energies which will serve as touchstone indicating what conforms to natural law and what does not.



Editor's last word: