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Word Gems 

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Afterlife Evidence

    Oscar Wilde



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#74 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle claimed that this was 'the best evidence of survival of personality that I know of' - after more than 30 years of investigation.

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Afterlife researcher for decades, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, of ‘Sherlock’ fame, opined that psychic messages received from the famous writer, Oscar Wilde, constituted the best evidence of survival of personality that he’d encountered in more than 30 years of investigation.

Wilde was as irreverent and sarcastic as ever, but presenting himself with highly polished communication skills. The average psychic-medium would have no ability to deliver in this manner.



Oscar Wilde communicates from a lackluster next-world

The evidence seems very substantial that writer Oscar Wilde offered messages after his transition.

As one reviews a sampling of the communications one is struck by the extremely high level of literary skill, far beyond that which might be produced by an ordinary medium.

See the Documentary by Dr. Keith Parsons on the evidence of Wilde’s efforts to reconnect with planet Earth.

All this acknowledged, Wilde spoke of his surroundings as shrouded in shadows. He was not in a good situation. And he complained about the service work that he was advised to perform.

It appears to be clear that Wilde’s arrogance, a certain disrespect coloring his words, plus an emphasis on the material aspects of existence, had landed him in a place of destitution.

Oscar Wilde: "I don't want to go to heaven, none of my friends are there."



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