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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Reincarnation On Trial

Winston Churchill



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many in the spiritualist movement are infected by the mind-virus of ‘R’, its leading teaching, a 'holy and infallible' doctrine, in their religion, and they will hate and shun you for disagreeing;

it is the New-Age woke version of afterlife teaching, a skewed view of cosmic reality and the work of the spirit, incommensurate with natural law, out of phase with the inner guidance system

I speak from personal experience, buttressed by several condemning reports from the afterlife; that, not all but many in these spiritualist churches despise the best afterlife evidence, are not interested in facts and research, and have taken their place as one more materialistic, money-grubbing cult religion of the world 

Winston Churchill, a tape-recorded warning message (circa. 1960s), speaking from the afterlife, via the direct-voice mediumship of Leslie Flint:

"Man is foolish. Man is, by his nature, skeptical, even those who should know of these things as a big truth and demonstrate them. Indeed, they [the world religions] should be instruments themselves of living fire and living spirit... should be giving forth the message of the spirit... leading the work of the spirit. But, they do not, and are blind, and foolish...

“The power of the spirit manifests so many ways, to many peoples, in many places, not only in spiritualism but in everyone. Indeed, one might say, in many instances, the power of the spirit is not able to manifest itself very well in a spiritualist. This is the tragedy... Mediumship [as demonstrated in the spiritualist churches], if it is to save the world, must be of a much higher order than it is today...

“You see so many in your world set aside the medium [counted as irrelevant] as you run mundane, material messages. This is ninety-nine percent of what the spiritualist movement seems to want. It is why it's not able to spiritually progress, [concerning] that [which] might be done or should do, [and why] it is not becoming a great power for good in the world. There are many spiritualist societies and churches, and ... many spiritualists throughout the world, who cannot make the impact they might have done if they had endeavored more to contact the true power of spirit, whose message so revolutionized man's thinking and action that your world can truly be changed to be saved from itself.”


Churchill’s statements warrant close examination.

Spiritualists, one would think, are those who bear testimony to the power of the spirit. But they do not. In this deficit, however, they have much company.

While ostensibly promoting the reality of the afterlife – which, spiritualists would tell you, is their core teaching – a primary emphasis, for them, in fact, is that of reincarnation.

Consider what Churchill said: a spirit-based message should be setting the world on fire, it should be revolutionary, iconoclastic, transformative to hearers thereof; instead, spiritualists preside over a humdrum, petty little organization, with little impact on the world.

Churchill is asking, wants us to ask – why is that?

the power of the spirit is not able to manifest itself very well in a spiritualist… the [spiritualist] medium [is counted as irrelevant] as you run mundane, material messages. This is ninety-nine percent of what the spiritualist movement seems to want. It is why it's not able to spiritually progress… it is not becoming a great power for good in the world… cannot make the impact they might have done if they had endeavored more to contact the true power of spirit, whose message [that ought to have] so revolutionized man's thinking and action that your world can truly be changed to be saved from itself.”

All this is damning assessment.

And it’s strange, isn’t it? You have mediums who actually can offer messages from the departed Uncle Charlie and Aunt Fannie, and the recipients might even acknowledge the veracity. And yet – so what? Has any psychic message ever transformed the grasping human ego?

Where are the lives being changed, says Churchill, where is the paradigm-shattering “message [that ought to have] so revolutionized man's thinking and action that your world can truly be changed to be saved from itself.”

Where, indeed.

What is the real problem here? It is the problem with all religions of the world. Every one of them attempts to address the domain of spirit but from materialist perspective.

Every religion of the world – which is why they’re religions of the world – promote a salvation, or path to God, or program to achieve heaven, by external agent, something outside yourself, ways and means extrinsic to one’s deeper person.

It’s like having a million dollars in your personal checking account, but you don’t know about it, you think you’re penniless, and so you’re on the street, banging a tin cup, begging for lunch money from strangers.

Essentially, all of the religions of the world have convinced us that we’re mendicants before God. We’re no good, born in sin, no hope, but for high-priced mediators as blackrobes who sell gate-passes to heaven. But the truth is, we have a million dollars in the bank.

And the spiritualists are no different. Their favorite pet doctrine, reincarnation, is rooted in materialism. You have to have umpteen gazillion material lives, on a material Earth, to effect a spiritual rescue. Salvation is outside of you, it’s hidden in much experience.

What is the “good news,” the true gospel? Help from a purported god as externally-sourced surrogate life is just materialism in another form. And the good news is more than a report of the many wonderful things in Summerland; that’s external to you, too, and cannot change us in the manner that we seek. And our deliverance will not reify as the result of trying very hard, promises, vows, or any self-help regimen or ritual, which is just another version of living with your hand out for crumbs.

I would put forward that all of these programs, focusing on external saviors, constitute the underlying reason as to why the world’s religions have failed to change humanity’s “heart of darkness.”

We are jaded and disillusioned with talk about “the spirit.” This term has been so degraded by religious mountebanks that we want no part of it. It’s nonsense to us and leaves us cold. It’s like hearing the politicians saying, for a hundred years or more, “send me to Washington for real change,” but, no matter who’s in power, nothing ever changes (although, we might actually have a disruptor now, and now we know why nothing has ever changed).

And this is what Churchill is getting at with his decrying, the world’s religions and the spiritualists have utterly failed to help humanity. They speak of “the spirit” but eviscerate the power in the fine print.

What is the good news for humanity? It is this: You are not, as you’ve been told, a beggar on the street but, in fact, have a million dollars in the bank. You’re good for it, for whatever good purpose you want.

The world’s religions talk of “the spirit” but it’s something they’ve read in an ancient book. “The spirit” is the very life and consciousness of God. You can't get it or seek for it because you already have it.

It’s part of our very being; more than “part,” it's the essence of who and what we are. We need nothing from the outside. Right now, this moment, we already have everything we’ll ever need, we just need to open our eyes and begin to unpack what was given to us at the moment of our “made in the image” creation.

Even to glimpse this reality, the tiniest spark of existential truth, ignites a process to reveal the altogether shattering and transformative; and this, in one cosmic moment of clarity, not 100,000 lives. 

It is, as Churchill in the afterlife affirmed, utterly “revolutionary.”

Accepting this, what is the next step for us? This is discussed on a thousand WG pages.